Friday, December 29, 2006

Liechtenstein is so small.

Liechtenstein redraws Europe map
Liechtenstein, the tiny principality wedged between Austria and Switzerland, has had its borders lengthened.

Modern measuring methods proved that Liechtenstein's borders are 1.9km (1.2 miles) longer than previously thought.

The border has been changed in some of the more remote corners of the mainly mountainous state, which has now grown in size by 0.5sq km (123 acres).

Liechtenstein, population 35,000, now boasts 77.9km (48.3 miles) of borders, an area of 160 sq km (62 sq miles).

The newly-discovered territory is equivalent to about the size of 50 football pitches.

Sixth smallest

Announcing its territorial expansion, the government of Liechtenstein said that some areas of the Alpine nation had never been properly measured until now.

Famous mainly for its sheer lack of size and some generous banking laws, the principality is a German-speaking territory that has maintained its independence since 1719.

Liechtenstein's royal family kept the principality neutral during both world wars, and then developed a reputation as a tax haven in the decades afterwards.

The current ruler, Prince Hans-Adam II, has a vast personal fortune and is said to be one of the richest heads of state in the world.

Despite its new-found territory, Liechtenstein is the sixth smallest independent state in the world, larger than only the Vatican City, Monaco, San Marino, and the Pacific island nations of Tuvalu and Nauru.

The next largest nation, the Marshall Islands, is some 20sq km bigger than Liechtenstein, and appears in little danger of being overtaken any time soon.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas All!

Merry Christmas! ¡Feliz Navidad! Joyeux Noël! Season's Greetings! Seasonal Acknowledgements! Yultide Felicitations!

Have fun everybody, see you all later and hope your presents and time with people you don't mind too much to be around goes well!
(Hannukha Semeah for Naama!) [EDIT: Apparently, the proper way to spell the second part of Happy Chanukkah in Hebrew {because Hanukkah can be spelt a trillion ways} is Sameach according to various sources]


Monday, December 18, 2006

The verdict

I said I'd update when I heard back from SUNIA and I got the call about an hour ago. The answer was "I'm sorry to say this but we couldn't find space for you on our staff" and I said "That's alright". Then I asked about who did get the positions and apparently they didn't call people last night because they were trying to choose who they wanted. They went for three people out of the twenty after all, one guy I've never heard of, one guy I think I know of but didn't know and one of my best friends, Celise.
So I'm really happy for Celise and we'll see about maybe an exchange to Québec for the summer!

That's all for now, bye people!

Sunday, December 17, 2006

SUNIA interview

So I had my SUNIA interview up in Edmonton yesterday at 11 in the morning, which meant getting up around 6 to be left around 7 and driving up with Dad. We drove around and made sure we knew where I was supposed to be and were a little confused because the address in the letter that was sent out didn't exist, there was no 7806 but there was a 7608 and it matched the description so it worked out. I went in 10.55 and left around 11.45, after Dan posed questions and Kelsey and Neil and Shaheen wrote down what I said verbatim for consultation later on.
I'm half writing this to hopefully tempt Fate into making them call me to tell me whether or not I got one of the 4 positions that they interviewed 20 people for.
After the interview, Dad and I went to have lunch at West Ed and had a blast walking around after we ate and then sitting and having coffee on ledge in front of plants on the median and counting the happy looking shoppers. We figured it was about 5%, between 1 and maybe two people smiling out of the 20 who would walk past, we also counted flirting couples as one person if they were smiling and being cute to each other.

I had work today and it was pretty quiet until about 3, when my line-up grew quite a bit.

Anyways, I'm off to help with supper and I'll update when they call me.

Til later,

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Originally written 12/14/06

Bio test this morning on Mendelian and molecular genetics first period that went pretty well.
French second which featured people reading the play in front of the class today but it was finally an interesting part we all were into (what are the odds?).
Model UN meeting working on writing resolutions at lunch, featuring a visiting Chairperson, Kelci.
At the end of lunch, the fire alarm went off and we all had to evacuate and stood outside the school for probably ten minutes then we went back in and found out when Kelci and I were in the library working on perfecting the letter Poirier's Social classes had to write to the PM about Darfur (the Hague prosecutors are planning to charge their first suspects in war crimes and crimes against humanity in February, btw) that somebody lit a fire in the boys' bathroom on the first floor (people are dumb).
Then we hung out in Poirier's room until the bell and then I wrote a somewhat terrible essay on the topic Les nations ont-elles jamais le droit d'entrer en guerre? (Do nations ever have the right to enter into war) and I said that only defensive actions should be allowed/permitted.

After school I ran away to the University to do an interview with one of the ladies my dad works with for my French reportage project and it went really well.

Anyways, I'm off, talk to y'all later!

Friday, December 08, 2006

Hi all.

This is one of my old-style blog posts where I just feel like blogging and have nothing to say really, doing nothing to improve the world by sharing my thoughts and musings about nothing.

I'm really just typing with no real goal in mind.

I'm writing questions for another group's eventual presentation for Social about the relations between superpowers during the Cold War.

I'm also craving the apple turnover I have in my lunch. Parents went and bought a Costco membership and have gone on two shopping sprees, buying all kinds of food and various items and that includes apple turnovers that are really good.

Also, I'm listening to (an online radio station that you can basically choose what it plays by giving thumbs up or down on a song after searching for a song or artist) for the first time in probably three months. It is quite the awesome little website.

Grrr at the school fire alarm. I was just about to sit down and Naama had been online according to my trusty WebMessenger and I was going to listen to music but the damn alarm rang so we all had to go outside and huddle for a few minutes then come back inside and now Naama is away. I'll bother her later, however currently I'm talking to Caitlin. :-)
I should consider doing work now but in all honesty, that won't happen. I'm so irresponsible. Oh well.

I have most of my voice back now, just to update that situation. I have a debate tomorrow at Queen E, a Christmas-themed Canadian Parliamentary tournament, and I'm going with Trevor Gair and it should be a good combination. Hooray for lozenges and lots of water. My voice is still kinda higher than usual but I have most vocal function back so yay!

I'm going to stop this post here now but don't worry, you'll have many more useless posts to read in the future.

Bye for now people!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Home again from Nellmersbach!

I miss Germany. I just finished an email to my Israeli friend Naama and I'm sitting here at our coffee table in our living room with my "Welcome back" sign beside me and realizing how strange it is to be home again and not to have a completely different environment around me that I became so used to. I miss meeting up with the Hungarians in the streets near the Christmas market while strolling with the rest of Team Calgary and most of the Israeli team and maybe one of the Canadians. And the constant stimulation of being away and the amazing conversations and people from everywhere and the incredible food and the side trips on side trips and wandering the streets and hearing about at least ten languages...
But it's good to be home but I miss Germany so much.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

I have a new camera!

I wanted to have a means of taking my own pictures while voyaging en Allemagne and so I took out the flyers from Sears and London Drugs and the Source Monday night and looked at a couple cameras in-flyer and called over to Sears and put one on sale on hold.
We had a meeting to talk about the Colonialism resolution yesterday morning and had our practice round after school and after that I walked towards Brentwood with Kate and Gee then went to Sears and got my camera.
My camera is soooo pretty and easy to use and basically the same thing as my parents' but a little larger and better. I love my new camera. :-)

Um. I'm going to go work on my French project like I'm supposed to so until later all!

Monday, November 20, 2006

Vancouver's safe injection site successful: study

Top AIDS researcher suggests Harper government has 'profound bias' against site

Last Updated: Monday, November 20, 2006 | 5:38 PM ET

Vancouver's safe injection site is slowing down the spread of HIV and helping drug users quit their habits, a new study finds — but an expert suggested that Prime Minister Stephen Harper and his government won't want to hear those results.

The study, which will appear Tuesday in the Canadian Medical Association Journal, says the three-year-old Supervised Injection Site in the Downtown Eastside has been a great success.

The injection site, which drew about 5,000 users in its first year of operation, is a place where people can safely go to inject illegal drugs while being supervised by nurses.

"By all criteria, the Vancouver facility has both saved lives and contributed toward the decreased use of illicit drugs and the reduced spread of HIV infection and other blood-borne infections," Mark Wainberg, the director of the McGill University AIDS Centre in Montreal, wrote in a commentary published alongside the study.

The study — conducted by Dr. Evan Wood, a professor of epidemiology at the University of British Columbia, and his colleagues — found that drug users who visited the site at least once a week were more willing to enter detoxification programs.

The researchers also found that all users in the area, including those with HIV, have been sharing syringes less since the start of the injection site, which is the first of its kind in North America. They have also engaged in other safe injection practices like using sterile water to formulate their drugs and swabbing alcohol on their skin.

Users were less likely to overdose when they used the facility at least once a week, the study found.

Establish more sites, expert urges

Wainberg argued that the injection site should remain open. He said the federal government should be drafting legislation to allow similar facilities to operate elsewhere in the country.

Wainberg criticized the federal Conservative government, singling out Health Minister Tony Clement for cutting a grant that would have allowed further study of the injection site — something Clement himself has said is necessary.

"Why would the government on the one hand announce that additional time is needed to study the potential success of the Vancouver safer injecting facility and on the other hand eliminate the funding needed for such evaluations?" wrote Wainberg, who is also a professor of medicine at McGill.

He also cited the Harper government's handling of an extension to the "waiver of law," which allows the site to operate without fear that the users or staff will face criminal charges.

Wainberg pointed out that, in September, Harper's government refused a request to extend the waiver for 3½ more years, only agreeing to let it stay open until the end of 2007.

"One hopes that the current government under Stephen Harper, which has been in office since only February 2006, will be willing to learn and to revisit this issue," Wainberg wrote.

Government accused of 'profound bias'

Meanwhile, one of Canada's foremost AIDS researchers accused the federal government of being against the injection site, saying he doubts Ottawa wants to hear that it has been having a positive effect.

"I think that there is a profound bias in this administration," Dr. Julio Montaner, the director of B.C. Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS, told CBC News in an interview tied to the release of the study.

"Unfortunately, no matter how many attempts we have made to have an intelligent and educated discussion about this issue, their principles stand in the way of evidence-based decision making," said Montaner.

"And to me, that's unacceptable."

The injection site is operated by the Vancouver Coastal Health Authority in partnership with the Portland Hotel Society and is funded by the federal and provincial governments.

You are The High Priestess

Science, Wisdom, Knowledge, Education.

The High Priestess is the card of knowledge, instinctual, supernatural, secret knowledge. She holds scrolls of arcane information that she might, or might not reveal to you. The moon crown on her head as well as the crescent by her foot indicates her willingness to illuminate what you otherwise might not see, reveal the secrets you need to know. The High Priestess is also associated with the moon however and can also indicate change or fluxuation, particularily when it comes to your moods.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.

I dislike...

the English language. The more I read articles or books in English lately, the more I think about how words are not said the way they're spelt or just look ridiculous as words. I truly do not like English.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

*Cont'd from other post*

The only bad thing about the swing we did tonight was it was a three-step to the left, three-step to the right, back-step vs the one-left, one-right rock-step from jive which I want to revert to....
I'm sure I'll get over it soon enough.

Also <3 swing

I love swing dancing. I went off with people to dance and I have to admit I was perfectly content to just stay at home and work on debate and order in Chinese but I'm really glad Gee and Kate convinced me to come along.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

<3 choir

Have I mentioned lately how much I love singing and Choir? Because I really do alot alot alot.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

You Are a Powdered Devil's Food Donut

A total sweetheart on the outside, you love to fool people with your innocent image.
On the inside you're a little darker, richer, and more complex.
You're a hedonist who demands more than one pleasure at a time.
Decadent and daring, you test the limits of human indulgence.

Remember, remember...

Remember, remember
The Fifth of November,
The Gunpowder Treason and Plot;

I know of no reason
The Gunpowder Treason
Should ever
Be Forgot.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

I'm working on this essay for French...

I first wrote it in-class on Friday, on whether science should stay in French or even offered in French for Immersion students when they graduate from jr high and move into high school and I took the position that where there are possibilities to continue scientific studies in French, there should be the option of pursuing such courses if there is the demand. Let me tell you, I'm working on researching a little the availability of French Science courses from the Education Department site for the Government of Alberta and I'm pretty pissed that there's the option for francophone and apparently IMMERSION students to take their Sciences in high school in French. If I could have, and don't get me wrong, Science 10 and Bio 20 and 30 are and were fun and good in English and whatever, but if I had had the chance to keep studying Science in French, there's no way I would've gone back to English Science. *pouts* I don't want any comments that "Oh, well the Francophones suck" or that the "AB system for French fails its students" or anything like that, I'm just pissed that it's apparently available in this province and I had to relearn many of the basic concepts in English when I knew them perfectly well in French and I know it's probably completely impossible to find qualified French Science teachers in Alberta who aren't in Francophone schools (which are probably private and can pay them better) or in jr highs but still. *bitches*

So that's all for now. I'm pretty happy other than that. People were cool and dressed up today (unlike me, I'm not cool, I only wore my USSR flag shirt and claimed to be a Communist or the entire Soviet Union personnified) and my Bio teacher gave us candy and let us watch most of a CSI episode which we may or may not (but please let it be may) continue watching tomorrow and we made up and sang songs on economics in Social and spare was fairly unproductive but lazy and happy that way.

I depart to finish my essay then study my fucking ENGLISH Bio notes.

Bye all and happy Hallowe'en!

Thursday, October 26, 2006

I love life.

So. School's going pretty well. I had a Bio test that went really well. We had fun British teachers in today asking us about French Immersion, apparently on a fact-finding mission to see how we do it to set up a similar system in England. We had Country Selection and even though the people running it are on crack it's okay because we have the ball rolling for MUN now. And I saw four (count 'em four) SUNIA friends today there. Then I had a fun conversation with Joseph walking around after Country Selection. I was kinda bitchy for a bit just because then I got home and had supper and a great chat with parents about life and how shitty some people are and how awesome others are. Then I went upstairs to work on Bio, a work in progress, and started talking to people on MSN to amuse myself while describing embryonic developmental stages and listening to Mozart on the cd player Kate donated to me. Then, much to my surprise, somebody calls and Dad says it's for me. I go and answer the phone and find out that it's Neil from SUNIA (the most amazing summer camp ever) and he invites me up to Edmonton on Saturday, Dec 16, at 11 in the morning for an interview for a counsellor position.

Only my life's dream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So I had to call people and talk to them about I had a really fantabulous conversation with Caitlin and Devon in Ottawa and I'm going to take a stagger shower for Caitlin to save water (get wet then put shampoo in my hair then turn off the water and lather then turn on the water and rinse, etc).

I love life so much.

To look forward to I have: Model Leg, Germany, SUNIA interview, the wonderfulness of Bio and Social, Model UN, life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness which involves all of the above.

I'm off to bed to try and calm down a bit from the amazingness of Neil calling me and also calling Sean. (OMGOMGOMG!!!!!!!)


Saturday, October 21, 2006


The Outstanding Public Debt as of 22 Oct 2006 at 05:17:01 AM GMT is:

$ 8 , 5 5 2 , 2 9 6 , 9 2 3 , 5 0 7 . 9 0

The estimated population of the United States is 300,037,616
so each citizen's share of this debt is $28,504.08.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Leaving for U of A tomorrow...

and I'm pretty pumped for it. Yay U of A's awesomeness, not only of the fantastic new people and the activities we're gonna do and West Ed and the debating, but also that I'll see some great people from SUNIA which is quite exciting!
I wrote an okay Social essay today, it would've been good had I really thought about examples and such to use and my SEX kinda fell apart and examples ran into each other. However, I did write it on the computer which was both a good thing and a bad thing, the easy removal or repositioning of sentences was nice but sometimes the accents were a bit trying and the typos and whatever.
French wasn't completely terrible, I'm pretty sure Bandol likes me and I don't know how to feel about that.
Bio was pretty good, we continued our study of the human reproductive system, moving on from the basics of men to the basics of women today, or at least what's between their legs.
After school I went to try and find Mme Dunn to talk to her about the animal thing to relax people for U of A but I could not find her. Instead I had a good trilingual conversation with Sra Noble about Spanish and wanting to use different words from each language at different times and vegetarianism and travel and German and the Spanish ladies at Sears and general chatter.
Then home again home again to pack a bit for tomorrow, which I'm going to go finish when I'm done here, and eat supper and kinda lounge around. I will do review and such as soon as packing is done, which shouldn't take a long time at all.
If anybody wants to volunteer info for my Social project, my part being the "defis de Nigeria", it would be greatly appreciated.

So good-night to you all for now and I'll write all about U of A and the Edmonton experience when I get back.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Bio and French are hateful. Social and Spare...are not.

So I don't like that I've done less than happily on several tests and quizzes in Bio so far. As well, French is pretty useless however we've got to a part of La Neige en Deuil where there are fun descriptions of things.
Unlike French and Bio, Candace's birthday party last weekend was quite wonderful and the Olive Garden makes good pasta. Candace's little sister, who's name I can't remember (sorry Candace!), is very fun to make faces at and play rock-paper-scissors with and such.
I shall update later as MP is kicking me off his comp.

Bye for now!

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

I had choir first...

and now I'm all happy and awake. I got up around 6 and was at the school about twenty-five after seven and we went over Bridge over Troubled Water and In Remembrance from Requiem and quickly over Dry Your Tears Afrika.
I am currently avoiding working in French, we're doing skits about mountain climbing related activities to familiarize ourselves with the vocab before we read Ch 4 of La Neige en Deuil and we have to find definitions then make a skit and use at least 30 of the 40 words on the list in it. Excuse me while I die. *dies*

Anyways, I have Bio next and we're doing the ear and discovering how mature my class is, when Ms Ng told her joke "Prince Charles has large pinnas (said pin-ahs)" we chuckled and thereafter whenever she mentioned the pinna at least someone would laugh. Don't get me start on the cochlea and cochlear duct, so ridiculous.

At lunch we have our second real debate meeting, featuring Anne on vocal hygiene then discussion groups for people going to U of A and to Western, which are at the same time so I won't have to research whether we should make people with "unhealthy lifestyles" pay for their health care!

In Social after lunch we'll write the Chapter 2/3 test and work on our mobiles and maybe present our Chapter summary video on democracies and hand out the associated tests and notes.

Then comes Spare and I'll go get my passport photos taken at Sears then go home and work on homework things.

I'm almost done my passport, all I need is to find my birth certificate so I can write some number from it on the application then get my identity validated by reliable people and then I can send it off with government issued cards and I'll be waiting with anticipation for the passport to come.

Dad was scoping flights for Stuttgart for the end of November and if we catch this seat sale we can get four people onto a flight from Calgary to Frankfurt, two hour lay-over in Frankfurt, then a 45 min flight to Stuttgart and basically the same thing back. I am le excited. :-D

Anyhow, I'm going to maybe consider doing some work for French, even though we have until next Monday to prepare for it so really work isn't entirely necessary at this time but suggested I guess.

Bye all!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

I felt...

the Terry Fox assemblies Erica and I co-mced went rather well today. And the Leaders' Debate for our "election" was fun.
Thailand has the crazy for their military coup while the Prime Minister was off in New York to address the UN General Assembly.
Also, WTF with the Hungarian PM admitting to lying during the last election and posting the script of the recording at a closed-door party meeting on his blog?
And yeah, basically the world has the crazy.
Oh oh oh, Sam, Pete, Kees, Trevor, MP and I went over to Branton over lunch to show and tell Branton kids why they should join Debate at Branton and come to Abe too. T'was good fun.

Must go sleep for sickness afflicts me.

Bye for now,

After looking at the SUNIA photobucket....

and the recent flashbacks and cravings for the food, even from a certain dinner, I realize how much I miss it.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

One More Thing!!!!

The make-up of the Germany Team this year has been finally determined, well mostly, I'm confused about one part but I'm sure I'll eventually get an explanation for it!!!
To represent Aberhart and Canada (as either Canada A or B) will be: Erin, Georgeanne, Kate, Kevin and myself.
I'll have more details Tuesday after the meeting to figure out the schedule and such definitively.

Til later,

Back after popular debate, my blog will have a real update.

Hello all. It's me! No, I haven't died or moved to a cabin in the backwoods without internet access, I just haven't really been inspired to update lately.
So, let's see... School's going pretty well: I have three classes with Kate so either we're going to drive each other nuts or get along really well or some permutation of such conditions, we share Social first, Spare second and Bio third, she has Chem last and I have French last. It's quite handy, actually, to not always have to know what class I have next because I can turn to Kate and we can usually figure it out between the two of us. And Social is just generally awesome, we watched a movie Thursday and Friday that featured a very very strange "game show" with the "contestants" being representatives of different ideologies (Absolute monarchy, Representative democracy, Communism, Socialism and Fascism) and yeah. It was very... unique. The Communist rep had a peculiar way of speaking that featured her pronouncing each syllable almost, very Shatner-singing-esque, while the Socialist was extraordinarily enthusiastic about everything and frequently couldn't contain her excitement and would flail her arms around and clap and bounce up and down and then the occasional shit-disturber Anarchy guy would come through and rant and rave and then run off stage.
My Bio teacher is very organized and has her own website which she posts many of her notes and links to animations and things on, which can show you what's happening so the manner that a nerve impulse travels down a neuron makes at least somewhat more sense than zero.
And I have Bandol but good friends in my class so we manage to not slam our heads on our desks too often, though her complete incomprehensibility and astronomically high heels are distracting.
Anyways, Kate's on her way to work on our video for Social and Georgeanne will be coming in about a half hour along with Sean and Gaby and assorted peoples to work on our video and alternately prepare posters for Take Back The Night tonight, which I'm very excited for, and I'm going to go eat some food to be able to be all energetic later on.
So, hopefully this update will keep the crazies pacified for a while.

Until then, bye!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

More Random Quizzes

You're Totally Sarcastic

You sarcastic? Never! You're as sweet as a baby bunny.
Seriously, though, you have a sharp tongue - and you aren't afraid to use it.
And if people are too wimpy to deal with your attitutde, then too bad. So sad.

You Are Sunset

Even though you still may be young, you already feel like you've accomplished a lot in life.
And you feel free to pave your own path now, and you're not even sure where it will take you.
Maybe you'll pursue higher education in a subject you enjoy - or travel the world for a few years.
Either way, you approach life with a relaxed, open attitude. And that will take you far!

You Are a Chimera

You are very outgoing and well connected to many people.
Incredibly devoted to your family and friends, you find purpose in nurturing others.
You are rarely alone, and you do best in the company of others.
You are incredibly expressive, and people are sometimes overwhelmed by your strong emotions.

You Have Low Self Esteem 36% of the Time

Generally, you feel pretty darn great about who you are, even when you mess up or fail.
Occasionally, a huge setback will make you question yourself, but you pick yourself up quickly.

Your Bumper Sticker Should Be

Come to the darkside, we have cookies

Thursday, August 31, 2006

You Should Be a Poet

You have a way with words... and a talent for drawing the pure emotions out of experiences.
Your poetry has the potential to make people laugh and cry at the same time. You just need to write it!

You Are Most Like Bill Clinton

No doubt, your legacy may be a little seedier than you'd like.
But even though you've done some questionable things, you're still loved by almost all.

You Should Be a Film Writer

You don't just create compelling stories, you see them as clearly as a movie in your mind.
You have a knack for details and dialogue. You can really make a character come to life.
Chances are, you enjoy creating all types of stories. The joy is in the storytelling.
And nothing would please you more than millions of people seeing your story on the big screen!

Your Blog Should Be Purple

You're an expressive, offbeat blogger who tends to write about anything and everything.
You tend to set blogging trends, and you're the most likely to write your own meme or survey.
You are a bit distant though. Your blog is all about you - not what anyone else has to say.

You Are Broccoli Casserole Soda

Vegetarians taste better!

Random quizzes and musings.

School starts in less than a week.
I'm going to be working while at school.
I have amazing teachers and two have won teaching prizes and this is only the first semester. However, it's still school.
Yay parties and expected and unexpected outings and bouncing about somewhat aimlessly and getting good results.
Bah on people who are leaving (you shouldn't be allowed to pursue an education that sends you off to faraway lands) and on doing inventory, it's not fun to be hunched over in half trying desperately to scan huge duvets and bed sets that are covered in trillions of years of dust and gunk that's pretty disgusting.
Also, yay and bah on me for cleaning/organizing my room. It's not all finished yet but the drawers in my desk are useable for the first time in ages, the filing cabinet isn't too hideously unorganized (and overflowing to the point that when I pull out a drawer it doesn't lean forward a bit [really, it's just asking for trouble]), only a few boxes filled with mostly papers to be sorted and probably recycled at some point are still in my room making walking about trying, and my bookshelves are nice and moderately organized and don't have little boxes or cards or papers or Lego cars on them. In short, my room looks and is less cluttered! w00t for me! Bah though because I started last week and just let it stay chaotic for a good while.
So work has been a mixed blessing: money and friends and connections and twirling umbrellas while dancing down an aisle right before closing time just for the hell of it and naming socks with faces and snowmen on them but it took time away from socializing and some people I'll see at school and others are moving away and I'll probably not see them for too long (which is flexible but nevertheless unfortunate).
I'm going to go now and email Kathleen, my SUNIA blog buddy, this here url and go and finish up my room then call Kelci and see if there's any way we can get together before she leaves tomorrow for Flatland.
Bye to everybody else and I'm sure I'll bother you on your blogs and MSN and on Skype when I find the wireless attatchment that'll give the laptop internet again (damn desktop doesn't have the right plugins for my headset).

Til later,

Thursday, August 24, 2006

One of my favourite planets isn't a planet any more...

Pluto has been officially downgraded to a "dwarf planet" by the International Astronomical Union.
( :-(

Sunday, August 20, 2006


So basically I miss SUNIA a lot. SUNIA is life and I miss really living. :(
Devon's party was fun last night as was Georgeanne's sister Alex's party after that.
Sears was pretty lousy today until I had a few nice people starring an almost older lady (early 60's I guestimate) who I told to keep her shoe box exactly a month ago and she came back with them thanking me profusely for having encouraged her to keep it because her shoes ended up being terrible and falling apart a bit. So she said she hoped I had kept telling people to keep their boxes because she was sure they'd bless me too for doing so. I got warm fuzzy feelings from her. :-D
Anyways, I'm going to go call Gee to see if it's worth me trying to go see Bon Cop Bad Cop since it starts really soon and I don't know exactly which bus to take to get out to Crowfoot...

'Til later all (and btw Devon, your stories = omfg amazing),

Friday, August 11, 2006

Comics from my birthday

Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic
Cyanide & Happiness @

Monday, August 07, 2006

People are back!

Candace is back and Georgeanne is back and Joseph got back Saturday night!
Work isn't too too bad, people are generally fun. I have a new pair of dark blue pants and really nice new black shoes for work/debate.
I talked to Robyn Fulton for the first time in I don't know how long. It was fun. We're going to see what we can do to get together.
Arg that Meghan's fun summer party is while I'm off at SUNIA.
Devon, I'll see what I can do to get to your party, I'd love to come but we'll see what kind of shift I get that day or if I'm even scheduled *crossed fingers for another day off but doubts it'll happen b/c of the week-ish off for SUNIA*.
Cake is lovely. Mum made cake for Joseph when he came back and it's very delicious.
It definitely hasn't sunk in that I'm going to either SUNIA or that we should really start thinking about Debate org stuff and our trip and such.
Some people have already gotten their info for school, schedules and all, and I'm sad that I haven't yet and I don't know if I will or not as tomorrow's Heritage Day and all.
Joseph brought back fun French music which will be discussed in a later post some time.

Anyways, I'm going to have cake then sleep.

Bonne nuit à tous!


Monday, July 31, 2006

Guess who got an important package today?

Guess what was in it?

Saturday, July 22, 2006

The Spanish phrase of the day:

Hay tan de cosas y yo no puedo hacer todo y yo sé que voy a matar alguien.

Rough translation: There are too many things on sale and I can't keep up with them and I can't do everything (check prices, see if suchandsuch is on 30% or 40% off or regular price, not go insane) and I know I'm going to kill someone today just because it's sooo crazy.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

I don't pay attention to the world for a few weeks and look what happens!

North Korea goes all psycho and tests missiles over Japan and then very little afterwards.
One Israeli soldier is abducted and uncertainty grips Israel.
Two Israeli soldiers are abducted and Israel bombs and invades Lebannon to retrieve them and kill Hezbollah operatives.
Lebannon takes over Iraq's limelight.
A tsunami overtakes Java.
Nigerian oil pipes are attacked by militants.

The world is nuts!

Saturday, July 15, 2006

I have decided what we shall do for the days off we'll have:

SALONS 17th century style!
A salon is a gathering of stimulating people of quality under the roof of an inspiring hostess or host, partly to amuse one another and partly to refine their taste and increase their knowledge through conversation and readings, often consciously following Horace's definition of the aims of poetry, "to please and educate" (aut delectare aut prodesse est). The salons, commonly associated with French literary and philosophical salons of the 17th century and 18th century, were carried on until quite recently in urban settings among like-minded people of a 'set': many 20th-century salons could be instanced.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Hay una senora a Sears quien habla espanol y ella me dijo que puedo practicar mi espanol cuando ella viene.
(There's a fun lady at Sears who's hispanic who said that I can speak Spanish to her when she comes by to keep it up to snuff.) [Note, not a direct translation].

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Arg at my lost memory key!!!

I can't find my memory key and I'm trying to move files from the desktop to laptop and it's not working very well with the laptop internet-free and the floppy disk I'm using less than cooperative.

Blank = blank

Stampede = waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too many people.
Work = fun.
Zidane in the Final = WTF?
Hanging out with people at Stampede when not being sardined into oblivion = fun.
Indie bands with amazing names = amusing.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Mike's Past Lives

1348 BC: Chinese Emperor

775 AD: A fish gutter

1672 AD: A corrupt politician

Saturday, July 01, 2006

I know I was really bitchy to people online and negative about my first day at work,

However my second day was astronomically better: I knew more of what I was doing, I felt more comfortable, I had breakfast outside on the deck with Mum for the first time that I can remember in forever and had a really chill morning so I didn't feel underpressure and I was early for work; as well, I SAW MME SALLOUM AND SPOKE WITH HER IN FRENCH AS SHE PASSED MY TILL!!! And, when she left she ended with "ça m'a fait plaisir" It was a pleasure to see you again! AND! I had a really fun customer who bought the slippers the ordered downtown at our location, but the important part was she was really prim and proper and had an Upper Canadian accent and exuded the desire to be called "Ma'am", so I did and it made me really happy to have such a traditionalist-esque customer who I didn't have to worry if she'd mind being called "ma'am" (which I reserve for older ladies, just to be courteous and such). Those two encounters made my day!!!!!

BUT! I'm going off with Oriana to wander the city for a while then I'll be home to bother Joseph as he's leaving tomorrow morning realllllly early for Qu
ébec where he'll stay for five weeks.

à plus tard,
Your Political Profile:
Overall: 30% Conservative, 70% Liberal
Social Issues: 0% Conservative, 100% Liberal
Personal Responsibility: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal
Fiscal Issues: 0% Conservative, 100% Liberal
Ethics: 0% Conservative, 100% Liberal
Defense and Crime: 100% Conservative, 0% Liberal

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Guess who's now employed?

Guess where? Sears! Coles wants me too but they can't guarentee me the hours I want to get money for Germany/Prague so I'll be over at Sears at a Customer Service desk 37.5 hours a week at 8.50$/hr!!!!!!!!!!
So yeah, little excited. Torn because the Coles people are really nice and I really wanted to work with them but I go where money and hours and good so....
How are the rest of you doing? :-)


Monday, June 26, 2006

Yay UDP, Nose Hill, Myspace music and MSN and people and Coles!

Meeting up with Gee, Caitlin, Sean, Devon and Kelci on Saturday in Prince's Island Park then debating with the Green Peace people, then up to Gee's for the BBQ, Twister games and Cranium then walking up to Nose Hill, seeing the deer on the way, and then being eaten alive by mosquitos and taking pictures for the UDP, then slurpees while waiting for the bus... A day to be repeated many times this summer!
I was on my Myspace for the first time in months last night and stumbled across Myspace Music and found a few new bands that I love: Panda (at, an indie rock band from Monterrey, Mexico, Plain White T's, who Oriana told me about, ( and Feeling Left Out (
And MSN is lovely just because. Same with people because they're awesome as a rule.
Coles = happy so far because they called me this morning to arrange for an interview to get me on part-time. In other words, around 2.30 tomorrow afternoon I'll be tied up for a while. :-)

I'm going to go eat some more and then go sneaker shopping with Mum and Joseph then drop off applications at Best Western and another place...Econo Lodge, that's it...

Hasta luego!

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Happy Fête Nationale!

Joyeuse Fête Nationale, everyone!

Art is love.

A HUGE thank-you to Oriana and Rosella for taking me down to Art Central today because, as the post's title suggests, art is love. It's moving and scathing and thought-provoking and generally unbareably wonderous. I'm going down when I have enough money to buy a print of the following painting: Prison-niée by Em Hunter (;

Look at his eyes, aren't they crying out for something?
Then we went to the EPCOR Centre to see two sculptures by the same artist that did Tête Cuivre series and the two that were so amazing yet deeply disturbing (and filled my mind with a measure of outrage and made me see visions of myself attacking the limbless figure on the ground) they were incredible.
Then we went through a plus-fifteen over towards City Hall and sat by the pool and splashed each other with water and had pretty good conversations then onto the train, up to Dalhousie where I took a bus up to Georgeanne's place.
Once at the Blue residence, we were shortly joined by Georgeanne's aunt and uncle and cousin; we ate a delicious dinner then us kids had tea then played Twister, after which we managed to convince the parents to play Cranium with us, which we won, by the way. Good fun all round.
I've really enjoyed the last few days and hope all of you people have as well.

I should get to bed soon as I'm supposed to do admin work for Dad tomorrow for his literary society SATOR (which I'll be paid for I hear) and be chipper enough to function and be happy doing so.

A plus tard!

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Things I like:

  • people in general right now
  • that Oriana introduced me to chai tea yesterday and it's delicious
  • music
  • life
  • the prospect of jobs
  • the thought of hanging out at the art gallery tomorrow

Jobs and World Cup.

I haven't gotten the chance to really watch as much of the World Cup as I've wanted to, but I must say I'm very pleased that Ghana beat the USA today, knocking them out of the rounds.
I love Aqualung today just because they're one of the bands whose music is working when I transfer it from the desktop computer to the laptop, that and they're pretty awesome.
On the job front, I have now given out six applications, including the worthless try at Safeway; the stores that are vying and/or considering and/or have an application are: Dalhousie's Chapters and their Starbucks location, Brentwood's Hula Juice and North Hill's Coles, Sears and HMV looks very promising (when I asked them if they were hiring the guy behind the counter asked if I wanted a full-time or part-time position and upon my saying "full-time" he asked if I could do part-time and I said sure, then about my availability and then the last three CDs I had bought and he said he'd probably call me in a few days! :-D).
Hopefully HMV'll work out and pay well and give me a good few hours.
And I went off with Georgeanne whilst job hunting and she brought the muffins she had made and we ate them and looked over her application for her uncle's shop down in the industrial South.
Tomorrow should prove good too as I'll be going to an art show with Oriana and Rosella and then to Georgeanne's dad's BBQ and Kate is also invited to it so yay!

I must go downstairs and sweep now, so 'til later people.
Oh! By the way, people with radios should listen on CBC Radio One, 1010 am, tonight from 7:30 to 8:00 pm because there'll be some interesting segments including this one:
Slavery's lingering legacy: blacks in Oklahoma seek a place among the Cherokee Indians that once held them captive -- only to find racism as pervasive now, as it was back then.
So listen to CBC tonight.

'Kay, bye now,

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Safeway = no job.

However, today I did pick up an application for both Starbucks in the Chapters at Dalhousie Station and the Chapters itself at Dalhousie Station.
Yay Grey's! Sorry Candace, I was out with Kelci and Georgeanne today and we kinda watched the second dvd of the First Season, aka Episodes 6-9, which were reallly good.
And I will drop off applications with resumes tomorrow then meet Oriana for coffee. Should be fun.
Anyways, gotta go to bed to have applications dropped off (and applications gotten from Coles at North Hill, if they're even hiring, and Brentwood's JugoJuice) and info gotten from my manager last year at Safeway and general happiness and goodness to meet Oriana by 12.30pm so,

A plus tard,

Thursday, June 15, 2006

So. I'll update about the magnificant excursion of yesterday later but for now something completely different....

I want my MP to Marlene Jennings of Notre-Dame-de-Grâce-Lachine because she's pretty fun, though of course Jim isn't bad, I was watching Question Period today while eating lunch and avoiding studying. She's the Deputy Opposition House Leader and asked some good questions today. Yes. This is what I do when I'm bored sometimes, and it was actually kinda fun to see how we were more civilized at Model Leg than the real MPs are overall.
Anyhow, I'll go back to doing Spanish/Math review. And keep waiting for Peggy from Safeway to call me back about a job there. She called around 11.30 this morning and after a quick exchange she said she'd need a few minutes to look over other applications and see who'd be working in August... The phone has only rung once since she last called and I'm really impatient for her to call back.
ANyways, hope people's Social finals went well today and all is right in your worlds.

Til later,

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Hello world.

I am almost officially done gr 11. Go me! And I just got my hair cut and it's shorter! :-)
Yay bingo in Spanish (it's "¡Loto!" by the way)! And doing absolutely nothing in English today.
Um. So yeah, I'm gonna go be useless for a bit and try to remember how to write personal responses and short short stories and stuff for tomorrow's English written test.
And wow, I'm excited for CWS (the Cold War Sim we're running) on Friday! We worked on some of it last night, preliminary news stories/press releases and communiqués and such. I get to be LBJ aka the VP aka the President when JFK (Sean) was assassinated.
And I love Andy Stochansky, by the way. He is a beautiful musician and Rosella loves him tremendously as well. I shall go listen to him.

A plus tard les gars et filles, hasta luego, (I'll call you Candace re: tomorrow)

Friday, June 09, 2006

Today was the best day in forever!

So. I'm not going to write too too much right now but suffice it to say I had soooooooooooo much fun today!

Thursday, June 08, 2006

I'm sick of expectations.

I'm sick of expectations and prejudices and insecurities and the coddling and useless fluffy words and all the people who have nothing to say and talk anyway and people who I gush to and never gush back or respond to my gushing in anyway and people who aren't there when I call their house and make me so sick of them.
And don't talk to me about this, I'll talk to you if I want to about it.


Monday, June 05, 2006

CBC has changed their website!

I don't know if I like it yet. :S

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Afghanistan thoughts.

Candace's cousin Robin emailed me asking my thoughts on Afghanistan. This is what I sent back to her. I typed it out over the last hour or so of spare.

You wanted to know what my opinions are on Parliament’s decision to extend the Canadian mission in Afghanistan and Cpt Nichola Goddard’s unfortunate death. My opinions are varied and confused, I truly don’t know what to think. I remember when I heard on Power 107 that the United States had started its invasion on Afghanistan in October 2001, in the parking lot of North Hill’s Safeway. I was an immature grade seven student and I guess I thought that it was the best thing the world community could do, to uproot the bases of the terrorists and the fundamentalist government that fostered them.
You could say I was a supporter of the war then.
I was interested when I heard my then new friend Kate’s sister was in the military, she was out in Roger’s Pass triggering avalanches with her artillery unit, then later on she was fighting forest fires in BC that next terrible summer.
I guess when I completely realized that Kate’s sister Nich was in the military and could go on missions in dangerous places around the world, I was concerned for her safety and wanted to make sure that she’d be okay so that Kate wouldn’t have to deal with the trauma of losing one of her beloved sisters. When Nich was told she was going to be deployed to Afghanistan from about February to August this year, Kate was so scared for her, and I for the both of them. I, along with all her friends, reassured her that Nich would be fine and come home safe.
I have become slightly more pacifistic over the years, in a selfish kind of way: I wanted Nich to be safe and not have to fight but I didn’t mourn the other soldiers as much as I now know I should have. I didn’t support the idea of going in and bombing the country further into an abyss of underdevelopment and destruction and anarchy, but I felt like I had to support it because Nich was there, as many of our friends did. I listened voraciously to all the news reports and cringed every time I heard a soldier had been injured or killed, afraid that it would be Nich but it never was; when the reporter said “he”, in a terrible way I was relieved, not my friends’ family, not as dire a problem.
But then Nich did die and I didn’t know what to think. Do I support Afghanistan for Nich’s memory? Do I change my mind and cut and run and let other people take care of the people of Afghanistan instead? Let other people die for our security and freedom or send our friends and family?
It’s tough. I don’t actually have a solid opinion. If I were asked if I was in favour of the motion in the House of Commons, I would probably vote for it. But would I still feel bad about it? Yes. It’s a really difficult decision to make and I don’t know if I could really support one side or another.
Anyways, that’s my opinion. I hope it gave you food for thought and something to write about in your editorial.
All the best,
Michael Maher.

Monday, May 29, 2006

My favourites things right now: (in no particular order)

1. Spanish

2. Going outside during English on one of Rosella's adventures and signing people's yearbook

3. Reading people's yearbook inserts

4. Chocolate

5. THUMB!!!!! According to the crazy Menno people who taught Kelci's sister's Sunday school, THUMB is the acronym to remember the people who need to be converted-sortathing: T-tribal people (they worship spirits, etc, *shakes head*), H-Hindus (they have too many gods who are all false), U-unbelievers (they don't believe and they should or to hell they'll go), M-Muslims (they don't think as much as they should about Jesus *which is ridiculous because they think that Jesus was a martyr and prophet who was very important!!!*), and finally B is for Buddhists (like none believers)

6. French

7. The Republic of Nothing, my English book is soooo interesting and twisty-turny now and I'm really looking forward to our seminar tomorrow.

8. Lunch in the Debate room.

9. Stooping and chatting with Tania and Sally and people before getting lunch and that I'm going to eat with them on Thursday!

10. The Country Alphabet Game, but arg at the letters O and Q for each only having one country that commences with them in English (bloody Oman and Qatar...)

11. People in English.

12. Feeling useful during spare and actually working hard and feeling like I know what I'm talking about.

13. Functioning on ice, being damn sexy and my Pantene Pro-V hair, just for you Candace! :-)

14. Mum for being awesome and letting me babble about my day when I'm sure she doesn't really care too much, I described her as my alternate blog to people today.

15. Food in general.

16. The BBC

17. The CIA World Factbook, useful for the Alphabet Game, Country Edition

18. The Radio and CBC Radio for keeping me company and informing me while lounging and walking to school and waking up and getting ready in the morning.

19. The CBC booksale and all the wonderous books I bought.

20. The books Georgeanne bought from the booksale--Gee, I'm stealing the Canada book for a while I think, I'm on the third page of the intro and I'm thoroughly amused.

That's all for now folks, supper is wafting up the stairs and there needs to be a set table in order to each so hasta mañana,


Friday, May 26, 2006

Gee and I went out with Kate to shop for her, shoes and a fancy top, out Market Mall and it was good fun. We talked and walked around and scrutinized the unbarable amount of shoes and tops. And Kate finally bought her shirt and cami then we went to CinneZone as a reward then we went back to the shoe store again because the bloody technology wouldn't work there, so Kate used her VISA.
Grad on Wednesday was so much fun. Kelci and Caitlin and I danced and the food was spectacular and Kelci and I had a good talk with Amlake. Then we all went over to Amy's and we played pool and talked and ate and about three Thursday morning Caitlin and Thomas and I left Amy's in a cab.

I went to bed at four. I was awoken at seven. I listened to a lot of music throughout the day. I went to the McInnis and Holloway funeral home in Crowfoot with Georgeanne. We met up with Kate and her cousins and fawned over the white SUV stretch limo. I went to Georgeanne's house after we spent our time with Kate and her family and we watched Josie and the Pussycats and played her "call out every brand name you see" game. Georgeanne's dad was incredible and drove me home in the driving rain.

I got up around ten to eight and had my shower and had breakfast then got all dressed up. And I was a tie perfectionist. I had my tie fairly good but I managed to screw it up over and over because I needed to have it perfect. I tied it over and over, at least twelve or more times, twenty was the general figure today, in the car, in the bathroom in front of the mirror.
It was raining and I was glad to have my umbrella.
We were in the seventh row. I cried during the memorial video between ten thirty and eleven, not the whole time but whole body sobs and shakes. Jay and Tim were so composed and funny in spite of their overwhelming grief.
After the service when we were moving slowly towards the parking lot, we watched as Nich was moved out down the street and her coffin moving from the shoulders of her pallbearers to the artillery carriage to the white hearse. I was nearly at the entrance of the parking lot for the community center and I saw Anneliese standing by herself. And I walked towards her and I hugged her and she cried and I let her. We stood there together in the rain, my umbrella shielding us from it, and shortly after I moved towards her, a soldier with numerous medals on his chest checked to see we were alright and told Anneliese that it was the time to mourn. And we did. We drove her home.
We drove to the University for the reception where so many people were. Dad and Mum and I led some of the military people from the parking compound to Mac Hall. When we got there, I ran up the stairs to catch up with Georgeanne and Caitlin and Kelci and Lisa and Amlake. After some searching we found Kate and we barged into her biathalon friends' circle and took her over to get food. God I love Kate and Tim and Sally and everybody. We sat with Kate and talked about things with her.
Then nearly all of us, Kelci, Amlake, Lisa, Georgeanne, Caitlin, we all went to The House, driven by Mr Blue.
Then we went to Georgeanne's house, Caitlin and Amlake and I, and ate Gee's mum's amazing peanut butter cookies and talked and listened and bounced to music and played Twister.
When I was boring and wouldn't let Gee and Caitlin make my already product-filled hair into a faux-hawk, Gee evicted us and again Mr Blue drove Caitin home then me and Amlake here. We watched tv and chatted about the memorial and a good while later had supper.
Right near the end of dinner, my aunt Susan called, saying she'd been thinking of me all day. We talked about everything that has happened and how I'm a blogger and I write journals. This blog is for you all and for me, but my journals are a recapitulation of my day according to me for my eyes only. It's a good thing, to keep these seperate. To be true to you all but keep some things to myself but to see them on paper can get them out of my head or make me rethink them as the ink swirls onto the page. I enjoyed our conversation, I really did.
I waited at the bus stop with Amlake until her bus came around ten thirty.
I can back to the house and went upstairs and talked about things. I showed Mum the slideshow of what were the photos in the photobucket account we all set up for Grad.
Please just put up the Stars photos Kelci.
Mum and Dad and I re-interpreted some of our favourite stories from the eulogies and crazy Fire and Brimstone guy who you'll hear about later on.
Now I have to go to bed and have a good cry I think.
And Candace and Grey's people, Oh MY god.
We need to talk about that.

Gee, if you read this, or people who are interested for that matter, call me if you're interested in coming down to the CBC book sale at the CBC building tomorrow afternoon.
I can't wait to have nothing to worry about. I miss when I had nothing to worry about. Last year was so much simpler. Fewer things to worry about, I didn't feel as behind, I didn't feel as sad, I didn't... But I do now. And over the last year I've grown and admitted things to people and started working so many things out and lost my grandmother and we just lost Nich and things have gotten hard this year. I feel overwhelmed, even when I'm caught up I just can't bring myself to be caught up without being completely caught up.

So. I'll actually go now after that gush.

'Night all,

A picture from grad, updates to come...

Kelci and I at Grad Wednesday evening.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006


Harper says he's finished with Ottawa press corps

Prime Minister Stephen Harper says he'll no longer give news conferences for the national media, after a dispute led a number of journalists to walk away from an event when he refused to take their questions.

Prime Minister Stephen Harper announces Canada is increasing aid to Sudan's violence-plagued Darfur region as Foreign Affairs Minister Peter Mackay looks on in Ottawa, Tuesday May 23, 2006. It was during this news conference that some reporters left after being told they would not be allowed to ask questions. (CP PHOTO/Fred Chartrand) Canadian Press

Speaking to A-Channel in London, Ont., Harper said "unfortunately the press gallery has taken the view they are going to be the opposition to the government."

"They don't ask questions at my press conferences now. We'll just take the message out on the road. There's lots of media who do want to ask questions and hear what the government is doing."

Since becoming prime minister in January, Harper has had a testy relationship with the national media in Ottawa. His staff has tried to manage news conferences by saying they will decide which reporters get to ask questions.

The press gallery has refused to play by those rules. "We can't accept that the Prime Minister's Office would decide who gets to ask questions," Yves Malo, a TVA reporter and president of the press gallery, told CP on Tuesday. "Does that mean that when there's a crisis they'll only call upon journalists they expect softball questions from?"

On Tuesday about two dozen Ottawa reporters walked out on a Harper event when he refused to take their questions.

That led Harper to say that from now on he will speak only to local media.

The CBC says it will continue to cover the prime minister. "If the prime minister chooses to take questions we will be there to ask them," said Ottawa managing editor George Hoff. "We will have a journalist there to ask questions," he said.

Harper's supporters said Wednesday they believed the conflict is being blown out of proportion.

"I think this will get sorted out over time," Conservative Geoff Norquay said during an interview on Politics on CBC Newsworld.

"I think both sides have an interest in sorting it out and I think they will over time. The reality is that every new government wants to keep a tight lid on its messages and this one in particular because it had the previous example of Mr. Martin who had so many priorities that they all turned to mush in the minds of the Canadian people. And that's why this government is tightly focused on its messages," he said.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

So the CBE isn't totally horrible any more.

They've stopped blocking the BBC. :)

Monday, May 22, 2006

I just watched...

the final Will & Grace. It was good, I enjoyed it and it brought closure and revived old running themes and stuff. It was good. *nods in satisfaction*

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Montenegro secedes

Montenegro 'chooses independence'
Montenegro has narrowly voted for independence from its union with Serbia, unofficial projections show.

Indications are that 55.3% of voters elected to secede from Serbia, just above the 55% required for victory.

Prime Minister Milo Djukanovic claimed early on Monday that his drive for independence had been successful.

But official results are not expected for several hours. If confirmed, the independence vote would erase the last vestige of the former Yugoslavia.

"Tonight, with the majority decision by the citizens of Montenegro, the independence of the country has been renewed," said Mr Djukanovic.

The question of independence has deeply divided Montenegro, with its opponents arguing that it will damage economic, family and political ties with Serbia.

The opposition leader who spearheaded the campaign against independence, Predrag Bulatovic, said his camp would not admit defeat based on an "arbitrary estimate by a monitoring group".

"The results are not final until they are confirmed by the state referendum commission," he said, urging the government to ask its supporters to leave the streets.

"Such a crucial decision must not be carried out by a trick," Mr Bulatovic said.

Serb politicians, Orthodox church leaders and Montenegrins from the mountainous inland regions bordering Serbia broadly opposed secession.

However, ethnic Montenegrins and Albanians from the coastal area largely back the prime minister and favoured independence.

Mr Djukanovic argued that an independent Montenegro will have a stronger economy and will be a better candidate for admission into the European Union.

Record turn-out

Indications that the pro-independence bloc may have won the vote prompted celebrations in the Montenegrin capital, Podgorica.

The tooting of car horns filled the city and youths were seen waving the red and gold flag of the old Montenegrin monarchy. The country was last independent in 1918.

Guns and fireworks were let off in celebration.

Polls opened early on Sunday morning and turnout was said to have surpassed a record 85%.

Voters, some of them dressed in their Sunday best clothes, pondered the referendum question: "Do you want Montenegro to be an independent state with full international and legal legitimacy?"

In the days preceding the vote, thousands of Montenegrins living abroad were invited back to the country to cast their ballot.

The country has a population of fewer than 700,000 people, so the vote of the diaspora was considered as crucial by both camps.

Montenegro's loose union with Serbia was established in 2003, replacing what was left of the former Yugoslavia.

Both sides were given the option of electing to leave the union after three years.

The last time Montenegro was independent was nearly 90 years ago at the end of World War I, when it was absorbed into the newly-formed Yugoslavia.

In the days running up to the vote, thousands of Montenegrins living abroad have travelled home in order to cast their ballot.

Story from BBC NEWS:

Arg at Victoria Day closures of shops

So. The sushi place that I was meeting my friend Ty at was closed today. And he was, as is frequently the case, he was late, but I talked to Fiona quickly then he arrived and then when we went to another sushi place and looked at an Italian restaurant, they were closed. We ended up at Charly Chan's and it was damn good food. He had to run off because of his shift starting at 2, so I went over to JugoJuice and got a Summer Strawberry drink and talked with Oriana a bit.

I have math review to do so I'll go and do some of that. I've got a friend coming down from Edmonton who I'd like to have lunch with if I can but I need to have sufficient amounts of math done first.

Anywho, talk to you all later.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Nich's home.

I just saw the live footage on NewsWorld of Nich coming off the plane and the repatriation ceremony and I could just about make out Tim and Sally and Kate.
She's home, nearly truly home.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Today wasn't as bad as it could have been.

I managed not to break down today. School wasn't completely terrible.
I went in late thanks to spare first and I saw Nich's procession onto the plane.
I spent a bit of time in the Security Council and was for a few short minutes semi-secretary/page (once).
Math test. I hate triangles and forgetting how to calculate the aire d'un triangle, even though I had the formula I couldn't remember how to find hauteur for bh/2.
Spanish test after lunch. Pretty easy. Then we worked on superlatives and I ran over to the library because I had forgotten the papers I printed off last night from the Wikipedia article on anarchism for the English seminar. So I printed them off again at school and ran back to the Spanish room then over to the doors to the court yard hopefully but people weren't there. So I went upstairs to see people almost on their way down to the courtyard, so I joined them and tried to put my Spanish books away so I wouldn't be trucking them around but my locker hated me so I kicked it but it still didn't work so I hurried down to the courtyard and the seminar wasn't bad.
I just found out that Nich's being called "the daughter of Canada."
Um, so yeah. Not too much else happened today. I came home and watched some tv, rediscovered The Weekenders. Gardened with Mum a bit. Chatted on MSN with people. Had supper, did dishes, more tv, more chatting.
I'm gonna end this post now but if you're reading this Kate, love and support from everyone, Analu, Anneliese, all the regulars, people you don't know send their support. I hear there are 17 pages of condolensces on the Herald's site. Not that it's makes it any better, but it might help, who knows... Mum and Dad went over to your house to steal some empty pots and return them full of flowers but it seems other people got there first, but we did try. :-)
I'm glad you and your family will all be together and I hope that lessens the load a little for all of you and just remember that we're all thinking about you and hope you're doing well.
Yay for it being less hot today vs yesterday. It was raining a little for a while but it wasn't a very satisfying storm. There were like twelve drops in the courtyard and then a little after, as in recently, it rained slightly. But not enough for it to really count, just a few seconds of pitter-patter.
And it's so annoying to feel powerless and to have to try to explain for the umpteenth time to Mum about blogging but because she's so non-e-savvy when I said you type in someone's address she thought like 1202 90th Ave... and I said no...
So basically, the media sucks a lot but the Herald had really good articles about Nich and the press conference yesterday so they suck a little less.
But I'm actually going to end this post now so adios for now all.

Love ya Kate,

Thursday, May 18, 2006

I don't know if this is appropriate but I'm listening to Stars right now and this song is ringing so true for me right now.

Celebration Guns

So tomorrow there will be another number
For the one who had a name
Desert wind and a perverse desire to win
History buried in shame

Are the beating drums
Celebration guns
The thunder and the laughter
The last thing they remember

Are the beating drums
Celebration guns
The thunder and the laughter
The last thing they remember

Then the next day
How will you know your enemy
By their colour or your fear
One by one
We can cage them in your freedom
Make them all disappear

Six hundred sixty-six hundred sixty days
Two guards, one uncharged
This morning's paper's ink stains my fingers
My hands grow darker every day

Are the beating drums
Celebration guns
The thunder and the laughter
The last thing they remember

Are the beating drums
Celebration guns
The thunder and the laughter
The last thing they remember

Goodnight, sleep light, stranger
Goodnight, sleep light, stranger

I'm so sorry.

God, Kate. This is so unfair and overwhelming and all my love and support and thoughts and those of everyone I know and even people who don't know you are pouring towards you, you have to remember that. I can't imagine what this is like for you and if I've said it once I've said it a thousand times and I'll keep saying it for as long as need-be, I love you and I'll always be there for you, no matter what you want or need, I'll be there. Remember that.
Hugs from all the family to all of your's and hang tough Kate. We're all behind you whenever wherever.
And yes, I am putting this up on my blog for everyone to read. Put something like this up on all your blogs. The media needs to know that we're all behind Kate and they should put these kinds of things on the front page, not a personal message sent from her sister to her, posted for her friends to read. Fucking media.
That's all, I have to go to bed. I can't handle being awake, it's too stressful and tiresome. I'm not looking forward to my Math test or my Spanish test or my seminar in English. I can't handle it. My anger and grief and frustration ebbs and flows, resurfacing every now and then and this is one of those times. I can't be strong for anyone right now, I'm letting things pour out again. I have to get them out for all of you to see.
Every time I have to tell someone or explain it further or see Nich's face or read her name it becomes more and more real and harder and harder. I'm less emotional compared to yesterday but still... I can't imagine what it's like for you and your family to see her over and over. Like a stabbing pain over and over. I'm so, so sorry.
I have to make it clear that I never really met Nich. I saw her once down the hall in Grade 8 at Branton one day Kate and I had been working late in the library for debate. But I read her letters Kate sent and saw her photos from Afghanistan and she reminds me so much of Kate and I feel like even though I never met her I knew her. It's hard to explain but it's true.

I'm going to bed, all my love and sorrow and grief and all possible happiness that I can send to you all to make this easier.

Good-night all,

Tuesday, May 16, 2006


Hello all. Not much to say right now. Just that aaaah English short stories tests and paragraph answers and yay being elected guy captain for debate and choosing to be Minister of External Affairs for Model UN!
Aaaaaaaaaaaand, I'm going to go home and work on math and read for English pretty soon. Voila, c'etait les informations nationales et internationales de Radio-Canada.
And I had a resurgence of a fraction of a song from James and the Giant Peach just a few minutes ago, it was a good time.

Bye for now,

Generally lazy weekends are always fun. :)

My weekend was splendidly unproductive:
Joseph's birthday and his registration at the U of C and his eventually being kicked out of Kilkenny's for using his new U of C id instead of another photo id and subsequent going over to Teale's for the night, I went to Meghan's almost-old birthday party (btw 17 = almost old, 18 = old) and relishing the innuendos in Disney's Robots and then watching the taped Desperate and West Wing and Grey's and going shopping for Joseph's birthday present and over at Home Depot to get perennials.
Waking up around 9 after 6 hours of sleep and managing not to cut myself while flaying and chopping up a pineapple to accompany Joseph's pancakes for Mum's breakfast on the deck, going back to sleep for an hour and a half and arising slightly more awake and lazing about then gardening and rediscovering FM radio. Ironically, the CRTC is having hearings to investigate the state of private radio and I heard CBC interviews about how teenagers are turning away from traditional radio, a la Jenna, in my English class, and myself to an extent, I turned away from private radio I guess...

Bell's ringing...English short stories test.

A plus tard,

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

About that math test on raisonnement...

I got 26/35, 74%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am pleased with myself. Let's hope I can carry over this skill to le cercle.

Sunday, May 07, 2006


I'm very impressed that you've commented on so many of my posts! :)

Friday, May 05, 2006

I have my math test for...

raisonnement in about an hour and nine minutes. Fun conjecture that M. Lam gave us yesterday that he said was his favourite énoncé from high school "Les poules n'ont pas de dents. Ma grand-mère n'a pas de dents." Conjecture: "Ma grand-mère est une poule."

Not looking forward to...

1. dentist appointment, I'm not crazy about them, but I don't really mind them, mostly because it'll take time out of my relaxation time this afternoon.

2. my report card, it won't be fun to bring home...

Bye now,

Thursday, May 04, 2006

By the way, we (the Prosecution) won the case in English Tuesday!
And I'm working on my English P&P project and I think it'll be good after all.

Email back from Mr. Prentice's Office

Dear Mr. Maher,

Thank you for your message regarding Darfur.

Please be assured that Minister Prentice is aware of this sad and dreadful situation and will be continuing discussions with his caucus colleagues.


Yvonne Hazeldene
Constituency Assistant
Office of Hon. Jim Prentice, P.C., Q.C., MP
Calgary Centre-North
Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development

(Message I sent:

Dear Mr. Prentice

Today, the Calgary Herald contained an article mentioning a "take note"
Parliamentary debate to be held tomorrow on the genocide in Darfur. As one
of the Canadian citizens you are tasked to represent, I have a formal
request to make of you, sir.

Surely, your job obligates you to have some knowledge of world affairs. I
don't think I need to try and tell you that what is happening in Darfur
offends not only every Canadian value, but every human one. As my
representative, I encourage you attend this debate. Speak up if you can
about the need for your party, as government, to act.

The article I read this morning contained a very reasonable way for us to do
so. An all-party motion was described. It called simply for our government
to recognize the genocide for what it is, and for our ambassador to the UN
to join the many calling for an intervention. Signing on to this motion
simply asks us to ask, and can't possibly have a cost to Canada as a

The "Responsibility to Protect" doctrine is a Canadian invention, and to
ignore it will destroy any claim (on our part) to being better than the
Janjaweid and their backers in Khartoum.

Thank you for having taken the time to read this.

Yours sincerely,

Michael Maher)
Why must San Marino be so detestable in its location? I don't hate them solely because of their geographical orientation and their preventing me from getting 100% on Sheppard Software's geography game....also I don't like FYRM. Darn Macedonians.

The bell just rang. Bye for now,

Today hasn't been that bad...

I was reluctant to get up, as always, but English went well as did Spanish. Then Double Math but I got a confidence boost when M. Lam handed out a sheet that I did almost completely right, only three little things but nothing to get unhooked about. At lunch I went with Sean and Lisa and Oswell to watch the Grand Final for Film Fest but it wasn't as good as I thought it might've been. *shrugs*
So here I am in spare, not really doing much now. I did do math homework for the first half hour and I'm feeling really good about it.
My life today.
How are you all today?

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Oh, while I'm here....

you all have to read Jane Yolen's Briar Rose. It should be required reading.

My confusion is now lessened...

I am right that Natalie Portman and Keira Knightley look remarkably similar. Turns out Keira was Sabe, the Amidala look-a-like in The Phantom Menace, and Natalie was Padme Amidala. I was searching around Wikipedia and clicked on Keira Knightley's name and in her bio it said her and Natalie's parents had trouble telling them apart when they were all made-up.
Random fact of the day. That is all for now.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Stupid school schedule changes for grade twelve grad presentations that noone pays attention to...

So apparently the school changed the schedule today but because most teachers don't read the announcements, a hell of a lot of us thought we'd have a regular day with Period 1 first and a late start for me.
I'll continue this later.

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Another post on this manic-depressive blog

Life is pretty good now. Kate's party on Friday and home-made pizza and bread and me and Caitlin winning (because we were ahead and we were all too tired to keep playing) the British version of Cranium, having people over to watch the game and look at Caitlin's pictures from Nat Sems, World Qualifiers and Greece and eating Chinese food, getting a book from Oriana that's actually pretty good and four books from Kate...
I'm not looking forward to English tomorrow, I put the assignments in Mrs Longinotti's mailbox in the office and hung around in the library as hardly anybody was in class and we had a sub anyway, but at least the trial will be fun on Tuesday. But shit, I don't have any idea what to do for my "multiple intelligences project" in response to Pride and Prejudice due this coming Friday, and I kinda want to hand it in early to make up for the other projects...
And the report card won't be fun this week either...
But hey, I'm going out to coffee with my friend Ty in about an hour and I'm working on math right now and listening to Bruce Cockburn's song "All the Diamonds in the World" and I ate the leftover pizza from Kate's for breakfast with tea and two pieces of toast so I am good. And Mum and Dad'll be back from their romantic 19th anniversary getaway in Banff soon and that'll be cool.
Oh, and remember my grade 5 partner from École Banff Trail? I was thinking about him this week and he emailed me this morning and between the two of us we've sent four emails today. It made me smile to see his email.
Any how, Georgeanne should show Kelci how to use Photobucket and I should do math so off I go.

Until later all,

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Kate's luggage came!
When will I stop lying to myself and own up for what I haven't done and give back the more-worthy-than-I-deserve lauding?

Another bitchy post.

Well, not totally. I went off to Starbucks with Kate in the spare before lunch and lunch wasn't bad. Neither was Spanish or English. I suppose. And then I went out for a walk with said friend after school and talked about Calgary durant France and France durant France and she brought me a massive chocolate chip muffin then we went to her house and she gave me a fun random book she read with her French class in France. There are so many words I didn't understand but that's okay, I'll look them up later.

However, I fail at English. Not actually but right now I wish I could drop it but at the same time I don't. Fuck procrastination and locked doors and printers that don't believe in coloured ink.

I just want to sleep and not have to wake up and face the day before my damn midterm.

But yay for Nat Sems people doing us splendiferously proud!

And yay for a trial next week in English based on this poem by Robert Browning
Porphyria's Lover
THE rain set early in to-night,
The sullen wind was soon awake,
It tore the elm-tops down for spite,
And did its worst to vex the lake:
I listen'd with heart fit to break. 5
When glided in Porphyria; straight
She shut the cold out and the storm,
And kneel'd and made the cheerless grate
Blaze up, and all the cottage warm;
Which done, she rose, and from her form 10
Withdrew the dripping cloak and shawl,
And laid her soil'd gloves by, untied
Her hat and let the damp hair fall,
And, last, she sat down by my side
And call'd me. When no voice replied, 15
She put my arm about her waist,
And made her smooth white shoulder bare,
And all her yellow hair displaced,
And, stooping, made my cheek lie there,
And spread, o'er all, her yellow hair, 20
Murmuring how she loved me—she
Too weak, for all her heart's endeavour,
To set its struggling passion free
From pride, and vainer ties dissever,
And give herself to me for ever. 25
But passion sometimes would prevail,
Nor could to-night's gay feast restrain
A sudden thought of one so pale
For love of her, and all in vain:
So, she was come through wind and rain. 30
Be sure I look'd up at her eyes
Happy and proud; at last I knew
Porphyria worshipp'd me; surprise
Made my heart swell, and still it grew
While I debated what to do. 35
That moment she was mine, mine, fair,
Perfectly pure and good: I found
A thing to do, and all her hair
In one long yellow string I wound
Three times her little throat around, 40
And strangled her. No pain felt she;
I am quite sure she felt no pain.
As a shut bud that holds a bee,
I warily oped her lids: again
Laugh'd the blue eyes without a stain. 45
And I untighten'd next the tress
About her neck; her cheek once more
Blush'd bright beneath my burning kiss:
I propp'd her head up as before,
Only, this time my shoulder bore 50
Her head, which droops upon it still:
The smiling rosy little head,
So glad it has its utmost will,
That all it scorn'd at once is fled,
And I, its love, am gain'd instead! 55
Porphyria's love: she guess'd not how
Her darling one wish would be heard.
And thus we sit together now,
And all night long we have not stirr'd,
And yet God has not said a word! 60

I'm going to do more studying,
