Sunday, April 30, 2006

Another post on this manic-depressive blog

Life is pretty good now. Kate's party on Friday and home-made pizza and bread and me and Caitlin winning (because we were ahead and we were all too tired to keep playing) the British version of Cranium, having people over to watch the game and look at Caitlin's pictures from Nat Sems, World Qualifiers and Greece and eating Chinese food, getting a book from Oriana that's actually pretty good and four books from Kate...
I'm not looking forward to English tomorrow, I put the assignments in Mrs Longinotti's mailbox in the office and hung around in the library as hardly anybody was in class and we had a sub anyway, but at least the trial will be fun on Tuesday. But shit, I don't have any idea what to do for my "multiple intelligences project" in response to Pride and Prejudice due this coming Friday, and I kinda want to hand it in early to make up for the other projects...
And the report card won't be fun this week either...
But hey, I'm going out to coffee with my friend Ty in about an hour and I'm working on math right now and listening to Bruce Cockburn's song "All the Diamonds in the World" and I ate the leftover pizza from Kate's for breakfast with tea and two pieces of toast so I am good. And Mum and Dad'll be back from their romantic 19th anniversary getaway in Banff soon and that'll be cool.
Oh, and remember my grade 5 partner from École Banff Trail? I was thinking about him this week and he emailed me this morning and between the two of us we've sent four emails today. It made me smile to see his email.
Any how, Georgeanne should show Kelci how to use Photobucket and I should do math so off I go.

Until later all,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the trial WAS fun, no? =)