Thursday, August 31, 2006

Random quizzes and musings.

School starts in less than a week.
I'm going to be working while at school.
I have amazing teachers and two have won teaching prizes and this is only the first semester. However, it's still school.
Yay parties and expected and unexpected outings and bouncing about somewhat aimlessly and getting good results.
Bah on people who are leaving (you shouldn't be allowed to pursue an education that sends you off to faraway lands) and on doing inventory, it's not fun to be hunched over in half trying desperately to scan huge duvets and bed sets that are covered in trillions of years of dust and gunk that's pretty disgusting.
Also, yay and bah on me for cleaning/organizing my room. It's not all finished yet but the drawers in my desk are useable for the first time in ages, the filing cabinet isn't too hideously unorganized (and overflowing to the point that when I pull out a drawer it doesn't lean forward a bit [really, it's just asking for trouble]), only a few boxes filled with mostly papers to be sorted and probably recycled at some point are still in my room making walking about trying, and my bookshelves are nice and moderately organized and don't have little boxes or cards or papers or Lego cars on them. In short, my room looks and is less cluttered! w00t for me! Bah though because I started last week and just let it stay chaotic for a good while.
So work has been a mixed blessing: money and friends and connections and twirling umbrellas while dancing down an aisle right before closing time just for the hell of it and naming socks with faces and snowmen on them but it took time away from socializing and some people I'll see at school and others are moving away and I'll probably not see them for too long (which is flexible but nevertheless unfortunate).
I'm going to go now and email Kathleen, my SUNIA blog buddy, this here url and go and finish up my room then call Kelci and see if there's any way we can get together before she leaves tomorrow for Flatland.
Bye to everybody else and I'm sure I'll bother you on your blogs and MSN and on Skype when I find the wireless attatchment that'll give the laptop internet again (damn desktop doesn't have the right plugins for my headset).

Til later,

1 comment:

A. said...

So work has been a mixed blessing: money and friends and connections and twirling umbrellas while dancing down an aisle right before closing time just for the hell of it

And you didn't take a picture of this?

PS. now that I think about it...that would be funny to see in a commercial for Sears.

School. My god I'm going to start being a University student in 7 days. What?