Thursday, December 14, 2006

Originally written 12/14/06

Bio test this morning on Mendelian and molecular genetics first period that went pretty well.
French second which featured people reading the play in front of the class today but it was finally an interesting part we all were into (what are the odds?).
Model UN meeting working on writing resolutions at lunch, featuring a visiting Chairperson, Kelci.
At the end of lunch, the fire alarm went off and we all had to evacuate and stood outside the school for probably ten minutes then we went back in and found out when Kelci and I were in the library working on perfecting the letter Poirier's Social classes had to write to the PM about Darfur (the Hague prosecutors are planning to charge their first suspects in war crimes and crimes against humanity in February, btw) that somebody lit a fire in the boys' bathroom on the first floor (people are dumb).
Then we hung out in Poirier's room until the bell and then I wrote a somewhat terrible essay on the topic Les nations ont-elles jamais le droit d'entrer en guerre? (Do nations ever have the right to enter into war) and I said that only defensive actions should be allowed/permitted.

After school I ran away to the University to do an interview with one of the ladies my dad works with for my French reportage project and it went really well.

Anyways, I'm off, talk to y'all later!


Anonymous said...

Oooh, le reportage...pas mal. C'est quoi ton sujet?

(yeah, i'm in a french-speaking/typing mood.)

Kate said...

I kind of liked that essay. I wrote a happy one about how a nation's soveignty rests within the sovereignty of the people, so how could a nation be free if the people were enslaved? It was fun.

Sorry about SUNIA