Friday, May 19, 2006

Today wasn't as bad as it could have been.

I managed not to break down today. School wasn't completely terrible.
I went in late thanks to spare first and I saw Nich's procession onto the plane.
I spent a bit of time in the Security Council and was for a few short minutes semi-secretary/page (once).
Math test. I hate triangles and forgetting how to calculate the aire d'un triangle, even though I had the formula I couldn't remember how to find hauteur for bh/2.
Spanish test after lunch. Pretty easy. Then we worked on superlatives and I ran over to the library because I had forgotten the papers I printed off last night from the Wikipedia article on anarchism for the English seminar. So I printed them off again at school and ran back to the Spanish room then over to the doors to the court yard hopefully but people weren't there. So I went upstairs to see people almost on their way down to the courtyard, so I joined them and tried to put my Spanish books away so I wouldn't be trucking them around but my locker hated me so I kicked it but it still didn't work so I hurried down to the courtyard and the seminar wasn't bad.
I just found out that Nich's being called "the daughter of Canada."
Um, so yeah. Not too much else happened today. I came home and watched some tv, rediscovered The Weekenders. Gardened with Mum a bit. Chatted on MSN with people. Had supper, did dishes, more tv, more chatting.
I'm gonna end this post now but if you're reading this Kate, love and support from everyone, Analu, Anneliese, all the regulars, people you don't know send their support. I hear there are 17 pages of condolensces on the Herald's site. Not that it's makes it any better, but it might help, who knows... Mum and Dad went over to your house to steal some empty pots and return them full of flowers but it seems other people got there first, but we did try. :-)
I'm glad you and your family will all be together and I hope that lessens the load a little for all of you and just remember that we're all thinking about you and hope you're doing well.
Yay for it being less hot today vs yesterday. It was raining a little for a while but it wasn't a very satisfying storm. There were like twelve drops in the courtyard and then a little after, as in recently, it rained slightly. But not enough for it to really count, just a few seconds of pitter-patter.
And it's so annoying to feel powerless and to have to try to explain for the umpteenth time to Mum about blogging but because she's so non-e-savvy when I said you type in someone's address she thought like 1202 90th Ave... and I said no...
So basically, the media sucks a lot but the Herald had really good articles about Nich and the press conference yesterday so they suck a little less.
But I'm actually going to end this post now so adios for now all.

Love ya Kate,

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