Monday, January 30, 2006

A brief update from the last while

Tuesday-Museum with Meghan and Shayne

Wednesday-Museum with Georgeanne and Kate, bought cheap Canada souvenirs for Kate for France, went to Kate's house and got books for English

Thursday-Branton tournament where I discovered I am a horrible judge with ridiculously high standards, I went out for coffee with Kate, Kees, Georgeanne, Devon, Kelci, Sean and Lisa and Amlaké, walked and talked about debate and politics with Kees from Brentwood C-Train Station to 19th and 24th, walked home and watched Will and Grace (taped), talked on MSN with people forever

Friday-I read Pride and Prejudice

Saturday-picked up Sean (fun drive-only a little complicated to get to his house) and Kate and had fun trying to get down to the Pumphouse Theatre to see Evita, Gee, Kelci and Lisa also came, VERY good I'd say

Sunday-read Pride and Prejudice, Martin and Denphna (friends of my dad's from years ago came down from Edmonton) were over for tea, we went over to Kate's house for supper and had a magnificant dinner and home-made/make-it-yourself éclaires, mmmmmm...

Monday-finished Pride and Prejudice (12:27 am), worked on essay for English, went out to supper with Devon, Kate, Sean, Kelci, Gee, Kate's friend Colleen and Joseph for Kate's going-away party at Chili's.

I must away for school comes early tomorrow.


Devon said...

Pride and Prejudice wins at LIFE. As does Emma, and the part of Sense and Sensibility that I read. Except then I lost the book, which wasn't so cool. However, much love for Jane Austen.

A. said...

Well, I have to say my judging experience this year around was pretty bad...back in Grade 10 I judged with Teale and we had some good debaters.

This year was just...wierd. Like the kid me and Kate judged who said Canada was a Totalitarian society in the 1900s and made a comment about the Jews. (He actually said something like "Well we can't accept all those Jews because we do not know why they have fled their country. We don't know if they may have commited crimes". Made me slightly mad.)

Anonymous said...

hahahah tea...i had tea with a friend once =) it was vanilla tea i think, the only thing that was missing was biscuits and scones...

Anonymous said...

*were not was. ARGH. i'm in english'd think i'd know the difference between plural and singular phrases by now.