Saturday, January 21, 2006

The whale in London died :(

Kate sent me an interesting story from the New York Times last night about a northern bottle-nosed whale that had somehow wandered its way up to the Thames from the open seas. The BBC reports that attempts made to rescue the whale ended when it died while being transported on a barge to deeper water in the Thames.
Lost whale dies after rescue bid
A whale that became stranded in the River Thames has died after a massive rescue attempt to save its life.
The 18ft (5m) northern bottle-nosed whale was first spotted in the river on Friday and rescuers began an attempt to save it on Saturday morning.
But the whale died at about 1900 GMT on Saturday as rescuers transported it on a barge towards deeper water in the Thames Estuary.
It was moved after being placed in a special pontoon near Battersea Bridge.
Here are pictures of the rescue efforts:

Election blogs have made it to the BBC. Why? Because blogs are great and elections are great and them together are magnificant! :)
I'll plug the Liberal guy's blog again because he's amazing. I especially like his interviews with Paul Martin and in the latest post he answers questions for Stephen Harper because apparently his spokeswoman says he doesn't have time for any formal Q & A sessions.

Anyways, I'm gonna go have lunch and study for Bio now.
Until possibly later readers,

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