Wednesday, January 18, 2006

By the way guys...

the Conservatives have a bad attack ad out against Jack Layton. "He may speak for special interests, but does Jack Layton speak for you?" Like the Tories don't work on behalf of the oil industry and other big business.
Just thought you'd like to see how the Tories are trying to sway Liberals and NDPers and undecideds to vote for them, by attacking the NDP. To quote Devon "way to be guys, way to be."


Lisel said...

hmmmm, well jack laton doesn't exactly speak for the rich ppl who don't care about welfare, public health, and education. God if the conservatives win, we're barely gonna have healthcare. :(:(

A. said...

if the cons win, I shall first scream...then use all willpower to not throw some things and I'll plan the rest from there.

The message I got from the commercial was "Don't vote for guys with moustaches! They r EBIL!!11onewesuck". That and..."Vote for guys who look like they cant smile even if the fate of the world/Canada is a stake. Oh and the Stone-like/Ken doll hair is a bonus"

<-amlake.(btw, i wont vote for the cons)