Thursday, April 20, 2006


Today in English we split off into small groups and discussed the new movie version of Pride and Prejudice and Mrs Longinotti wanted us to move outside of our cliques, which we sit in, about five or six, two of which are composed of two people each, and I was invited to join the young ladies sitting behind my group, Candace, Tierney and Bonita and they got David Ting over as well. Tierney and I spent a lot of the time juxtaposing the book and the movie and parts we thought we significant that were cut out of the movie and characterisations we agreed with and the shift of the focus from a more general societal commentary and a series of romances towards a Elizabeth-Mr Darcy-centred love story. Over all the movie was good but not the same as the book, which Tierney and I both preferred.
Then I had Spanish and we didn't do too much: we did other people's word scrambles (generally a verb written backwards) and started working on Spanish crosswords with past tense verbs, perty good all together.
Double Math wasn't too too bad; we reviewed yesterdays lesson on "les asymptotes" and they're rather amusing when they're easy to find.
Lunch was good however I discovered a few bites into my sandwich (that I thought Mum had left behind for me) was not chicken but tuna and thus Mum's. I'll go tell her soon... Apparently it's 4/20 and thus supposedly "International Smoke Marijuana Day" and to that end Wyll appeared rather stoned and Kees eventually reported he felt about half of his math class was high.
Spare was rather uneventful.
I came home after working on some math then listening to Wyll and later Josh talk to Erica and Sean about topics they could face at Worlds Qualifier next week. It was about 6.30 when I got home and when Joseph and Mum went over to Moores to get my brother fitted for his tuxe for grad, they also went to Marks Work Wearhouse and bought me some new snazzy shirts.
Joseph had made waffles for supper and I proceeded to fabricate two for myself and greedily scarfed them down.
Now I'm upstairs looking over my math notes some more and writing the crossword hints and making it more legible for myself, originally when I was creating it I just added words where they'd fit, irregardless of whether they'd fit when I wrote them out on the graph paper we'll get tomorrow for our "good copies".
I reaffirm my absolute, passionate love for and yay Nat Sems people!

I must go and work on that Spanish some more so until later,


Kate said...

Well thats exciting
See you on Tuesday!

Shenikay said...

yum waffles.