Sunday, April 16, 2006

The past few days and English

So, let's review the last few days, starting with Thursday.
Tutorial: got in because Dad drove me as to avoid the awkwardness of me walking to school with the Mexican dip and bag of nachos, looked over my Math test that I didn't do as well as I had hoped to on.
English: I don't really recall what we did on Thursday in English.
Spanish food party: I must admit I was somewhat skeptical of what my classmates would produce foodwise but I was absolutely stunned and very pleasantly surprised. We had to talk about our food, its background and ingredients and when nearly everyone did so, we ate and listened to happy Spanish music. I ran across the hall and invited Gee and then managed to see Kees and Sean in the halls back to the Spanish room to have some of the mountain of food on the tables.
Math: is dumb. No, I get most of it in class but I end up not really getting it later on so I'm going to go in and ask about what I don't get in tutorial tomorrow so hopefully I'll stop bitching about it.
Lunch: Wyll and Josh got Poirier a katana in San Fransisco and he was blubbering going "What da...? *laughs*" over and over. And I had some of Caitlin's plunder from her Spanish party.
More math.
Spare!: I walked home and helped Mum and Dad with last minute arranging and cleaning.

Then people from the University came and then Meghan and eventually Georgeanne (who I might talk about later). Loads of good food, fun people, interesting, deep conversations, chocolate mousse, the people our age (David and Audrey) stayed for about 5 hours and t'was so much fun.

I went out for coffee with Audrey and met Georgeanne and Lisa down in Kensington around 4. We went to the Oolong (sp?) Tea House and Audrey ordered waaay too much tea accidentally and we all generally enjoyed our tea. Then Audrey and I walked Gee and Lisa back to the Sunnyside community centre and while there we met one of Audrey's soccer friends and we proceeded to accidentally stalk them by walking through a residential road two down from where they were.
Audrey and I went to the Wee Book Inn and then to the train station to call David and both of our parents to say we were going over to my house and he was welcome to come along.

That's all I'll post for now but I'll be back soon.

'Til later,

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