Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Post # 101

I am displeased with myself.
Supremely so.
I fail at math, as I did my last test, I actually did fail this one and not by a nose, by enough for a true failing mark. On the upside we're doing "raisonnement", reasoning, so there's less math and more reasoning and logic to it. Well, some of it. Fuck math.
Spanish isn't too bad, Mum'll be mad that I didn't hand in the ridiculous poem with the letters of your name project because she was going to freak out if I didn't hand in an assignment. So fuck me.
English, I have this exterior to some people that I have under control but that broke loose today. Mrs Longinotti asked me where my art cards were today in class and I told her she'd get them in tutorial on her desk. Back to reality, they don't all exist, certainly not on paper. And I'm un-creative and I know I've been bitching about it but get over it, and another lie I told parents was I handed them all in when they were due. Not the case at all. Nor did I finish my Macbeth essay and I have no idea what to do for my Pride and Prejudice response project so I'm essentially totally fucked there too.
Fuck fuck fuck.

Now that that's out, how were your days?

Til later,


A. said...

Raisonnment sounds interesting. :O

You won't see this till you check during your double spare, but at lunch, you and me need to talk. Ok?

News for me? After my nap I seem to have developped a sore throat and can barely laugh or talk.(I think the humidifier went kaputsky again.) And I might look exhausted again because I couldn't finish Social again and it's 2am. Ayoye...

Anonymous said...

mike, i suck at math too, if it makes you feel any better =)
wowwieeeeeeeee aren't you glad THAT day's over?
hmm not THAT much of an english ap nerd then huh?
that's ok, those assignments are over and done with.
and again.
gotta work on your choice of language =)