Monday, April 10, 2006

Life? Why must you hate me so?

To start off today I have a interesting travelling dream that takes me on an amazing bus trip from Rocky Mountains highway in Alberta to small town Texas really quickly then has me and various people from school and M. Poirier coming over the border at a toll booth sorta thing and we end up waiting for another bus or something to pick us up after getting off on the Canadian side of the border in the middle of the woods. It was pretty cool.
HOWEVER!!!!!!! While I wake up a few times in between episodes of my dreams, my official time that I get up is 10.06 am. FUCK! School starts in 14 minutes and I'm lying in bed.
I rush to have my shower and get dressed and find out I only have two socks in my drawer, one white the other grey(!) and I can't find my watch. I get all my stuff in my binder, cursing all the while and I get down to the main floor, grab two apples and guess what? It's 10.20. Shit shit shit. I rummage quickly to get a bus ticket just in case I'm lucky enough to catch it on my way to school so I won't be hideously late for Math but guess what? I am. I see the bus as it comes down Morley Trail on the other side of the street. Bloody hell.
I don't go to the last few minutes of math because it wouldn't be worth the humiliation and curse a lot and talk to Andrea in the library for that last few minutes then we go to Spanish. Life wasn't too bad thereafter but until then I wanted to curl up and die.
For anyone caring I did get the notes for the class I missed and started the homework in the second period of double Spanish because Trevor and I had already finished writing the presentation we presented later on.
And I guess English wasn't too bad, we did nothing, we had a sub and we just talked about the possibility of alternate realities and what animals we see each other being and how we would kill Rosella and I told the rat story again when we were talking about the whole death thing and I was told by Candice to get my hair trimmed and good things like that.
Hoorah for run-on sentences!
Um, yeah, so now I get to go tell Mum that while I had promised not to be late this semester and not be late for Math especially and that I'd work on my Spanish poem and English in my spare today and get lectured about why I need to get up early and go in for tutorial and all that jazz. I'm so disappointed in myself for frittering away two periods I could have worked in today. *beats head against the wall*
Bye for now, I'm going to go get a recipe for the Spanish party on Thursday. Who's volunteering a kitchen for me before then?

1 comment:

Kate said...