Sunday, April 09, 2006

Life is better now...

so. I am happier than I was on Wednesday afternoon now.
I feel like I aced my math test on Friday, I had a good chat with Meghan walking her home Friday then I went back to the school because I didn't want to go home for no reason and hung out with the Mock Trial people (who won, by the way) then I went to the used bookstore across the street with Kelci and walked to the station just chattering away about feminism and the like.
I had a great conversation with Kate for just under thirty minutes yesterday afternoon about France and funny French people's lack of a grasp of the words in English songs. I also had a magnificant steak for supper last night and then watched a hilarious and touchingly personal performance from comedienne Margaret Cho on Bravo! and then comparatively mindless entertainment from Wanda Sykes on Comedy.
MSN hates me passionately. Fate is conspiring to make me do my English homework that I'm unsure about and completely uncreative in doing.
Anyways, the aroma of cooking pork chop is wafting upstairs and I can't wait until supper, but until then I'll return to my English...or Spanish homework.
Congrats to all the Mock Trial people and the people who went up to Edmonton for a tournament that could have effectively been held down here (minus the fun monetary prizes).
Bye for now,


A. said...

Ah, that's what MSN did to me back in...February.

Actually, it was the wi-fi being dumb and I had to reset it but I couldn't connect to the wireless in our house so I kept reading The Unconcious Civilization and I finally fixed the modem but I ended up finishing the book and writing the 3-page report in under 3-4 hrs...ish.

I'd like it to spazz at me now because I have the 2nd part of that project that's overdue (save, I have no book) and an overdue English essay. Whee. :)

Hm, porkchops are good.


Kate said...

Wow, after 3 months without my influence, you have reverted back into your carnivourous habits... though then again, you already had them!!! Its good life is better now, I'll see you in 2 weeks exactly!!! Or possibly 15 days, when I go to school. (on the 25, look for me passed out on Poiriers couch!)