Sunday, April 23, 2006

Just a few musings from Friday's English class:

Why is it that in the comparatively more conservative society of the 1950's, people knew their neighbours and said hi and smiled and waved to people on the street, even if they didn't know each other, while in our "liberal" society, where you'd think people'd be more open and friendly, you're seen as strange if you pass someone on the street and acknowledge them?

Why do people care more about the new Gucci bag that's coming out or that Angelina Jolie is having a baby and Brad Pitt's such a bastard for running off on Jennifer Aniston while throughout the world women are being abused and having acid thrown on their faces for being raped in Bangladesh or being circumcised in Egypt?

What can be done to encourage a grass roots movement to move away from media worship and towards fixing the world's problems of inequality?

Liz suggested something to me wandering in the halls Friday afterschool, do we want to be feminists or egalitarians?

1 comment:

Shenikay said...

i don't get it. isn't feminism a major part of egalitarianism? My answer to your other question is that a baby is really not all that intimidating. it's a happy exciting thing so people latch onto it. When women have acid thrown in their faces, it makes people's souls hurt, well, anyone who has a soul. And it sucks to have people's souls hurt, and so we try not to listen to it. It's not like big terrorist events that we get addicted to, where we can't put faces on it, it's jsut exciting news. When it's something that terrible and personal, we can't handle it. and we certainly don't feel like we can do anything about it.