Monday, May 29, 2006

My favourites things right now: (in no particular order)

1. Spanish

2. Going outside during English on one of Rosella's adventures and signing people's yearbook

3. Reading people's yearbook inserts

4. Chocolate

5. THUMB!!!!! According to the crazy Menno people who taught Kelci's sister's Sunday school, THUMB is the acronym to remember the people who need to be converted-sortathing: T-tribal people (they worship spirits, etc, *shakes head*), H-Hindus (they have too many gods who are all false), U-unbelievers (they don't believe and they should or to hell they'll go), M-Muslims (they don't think as much as they should about Jesus *which is ridiculous because they think that Jesus was a martyr and prophet who was very important!!!*), and finally B is for Buddhists (like none believers)

6. French

7. The Republic of Nothing, my English book is soooo interesting and twisty-turny now and I'm really looking forward to our seminar tomorrow.

8. Lunch in the Debate room.

9. Stooping and chatting with Tania and Sally and people before getting lunch and that I'm going to eat with them on Thursday!

10. The Country Alphabet Game, but arg at the letters O and Q for each only having one country that commences with them in English (bloody Oman and Qatar...)

11. People in English.

12. Feeling useful during spare and actually working hard and feeling like I know what I'm talking about.

13. Functioning on ice, being damn sexy and my Pantene Pro-V hair, just for you Candace! :-)

14. Mum for being awesome and letting me babble about my day when I'm sure she doesn't really care too much, I described her as my alternate blog to people today.

15. Food in general.

16. The BBC

17. The CIA World Factbook, useful for the Alphabet Game, Country Edition

18. The Radio and CBC Radio for keeping me company and informing me while lounging and walking to school and waking up and getting ready in the morning.

19. The CBC booksale and all the wonderous books I bought.

20. The books Georgeanne bought from the booksale--Gee, I'm stealing the Canada book for a while I think, I'm on the third page of the intro and I'm thoroughly amused.

That's all for now folks, supper is wafting up the stairs and there needs to be a set table in order to each so hasta mañana,



Anonymous said...

numero trece made me smile =)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

alritey so i know this has nothing to do with your blog, but OHMYGOSH THE SECOND PERIOD OF ENGLISH AP WAS SO MUCH FUN!!! AHHHHHH my hair is finally kinda dry but my bangs are messed. umm haven't checked my makeup yet, but that's aight. SPINNER. good times =) hahaha and your friend didn't scare me! she's sweet, and tell her sorry for not staying longer cuz i had to get to class. k, this is ridiculously long and it has no relation to your blog, but, yea. i'm expecting an amazingly awesome blog entry on today from you =) take care!

Gee said...

my books :p

A. said...

Haha, while Georgeanne is being slightly protective of her books, I have to say that Streets of Winter rocks. (The one you suggested I get because it took place in Montréal). Now if I can find the book I read that is similar to this (different author) Last Days of Montreal I'll be happier. :D

Oh and PURE random but relevant to the book,

I don't know if I should be amazed, shocked or worried but I found an old receipt/transcript from a Super 8 Motel in Saskatchewan dating back to around March 25th of last year in like the middle of the book. *nods* I kid you not.