Wednesday, February 15, 2006

My new favourite word is...

amarillo, Español por "yellow". I am in love with it.
Yay 5 day weekends!


Devon said...

You know what's a better word? anaranjada. Cuz it means orange. :D

Devon said...

Hahahahahaha. Was that actually the fortune you wrote down? Mine was "You will go to Cuba and help Fidel Castro ressurect Che Guevara. The people of Cuba will be happy." Except in spanish.

Kate said...

I'm really impressed, as we just had a discussion as to whether it actually meant yellow, after which we've decided that MC no longer knows Spanish (though she still knows more than I ever will, as she just pointed out). Now she's mad, but I just finished my illumination thingie so I'm happy. MC made up hers and it's absolutly stunning; I think I might just have to steal it. Though I won't as it says 'geoffrey' on it. HOwever, the G is really cool.
Have fun on vacations, don't drink and drive, I still have another week!!

Anonymous said...

how about CALIENTE? it means hot and/or spicy. =) hahahaha