Friday, February 10, 2006

Transamerica is amazing!

I slept in today (yay spare), Math wasn't too bad, we had fun with calculators and factorisation mostly sucks; Spanish was fun, we did listening activities and such, it was generally sense-making; English we worked on our script for our play that we're presenting on Monday which will feature me high on acid for a while (adaptation from the Odyssey, book XX if anyone cares). I went to Poirier's room to meet Georgeanne, I suggested we go see Brokeback Mountain because it looks amazing and I've only heard good things about it and I really want to see it, but instead we end up listening to Kees go over his speech for the Concours at Western tomorrow and saw Cody clicking through models at fashion shows and commented on the girls she loves and the others who she hates passionately and eventually helped her a bit with her speech for the same competition. We managed to spend about 3 hours in Poirier's room and convinced Sean to come see either Brokeback Mountain or Transamerica and my wonderful parents came and picked us up in front of the school.
We had supper and took the train downtown and were indecisive over which movie to see, in the end a coin toss and Sean's promise to see Brokeback Mountain (or Broadback Women as we've taken to calling it-don't ask) with another friend who went swing dancing led to our seeing Transamerica.
It was pretty awesome, I must say.
Not much else to say...Kate has been updating lovely often and so you should go and be inquisitive about her life in France.
Talk to you all later, best of luck to people competiting tomorrow and I'll see some of you at Teale's party tomorrow.

Hasta luego,

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