Monday, January 29, 2007

I am...

No more Bio, no more French, sadly no more Social and no more Spare.
English 30AP, Poli Sci, Spanish 30 and Math 30 this semester. Oh what a semester it'll be...


Emma said...

Your last semester in high school :O

Congratulations :P (and good luck?)
Mazal Tov, both in one :D

A. said...

I expect you to work hard on your Math 30, you. And ask for help, if need be. And good luck. :D (I would graciously offer my help but I'm limited to what I learned in 30 Applied which involved almost most of what is learned in Pure, or least key concepts? I believe...and believe it or not 30 Applied has been of immense use on many occasions outside of school. quelle shock, I know.)

Now, whilst you celebrate and be merry, I, er, will go back to finishing this Canadian history paper so I can hand it in early tomorrow morning without loosing 5pts.

Shenikay said...

make it a good one dearie. And enjoy poli sic! (and keep up with your readings or you will so regret it lol)

Kate said...

I hate your lack of French class

Cohen said...

really? i rather enjoy it.