DONE MY FIRST SEMESTER OF GRADE 12!!!!!! No more Bio, no more French, sadly no more Social and no more Spare. English 30AP, Poli Sci, Spanish 30 and Math 30 this semester. Oh what a semester it'll be...
I expect you to work hard on your Math 30, you. And ask for help, if need be. And good luck. :D (I would graciously offer my help but I'm limited to what I learned in 30 Applied which involved almost most of what is learned in Pure, or least key concepts? I believe...and believe it or not 30 Applied has been of immense use on many occasions outside of school. quelle shock, I know.)
Now, whilst you celebrate and be merry, I, er, will go back to finishing this Canadian history paper so I can hand it in early tomorrow morning without loosing 5pts.
Your last semester in high school :O
Congratulations :P (and good luck?)
Mazal Tov, both in one :D
I expect you to work hard on your Math 30, you. And ask for help, if need be. And good luck. :D (I would graciously offer my help but I'm limited to what I learned in 30 Applied which involved almost most of what is learned in Pure, or least key concepts? I believe...and believe it or not 30 Applied has been of immense use on many occasions outside of school. quelle shock, I know.)
Now, whilst you celebrate and be merry, I, er, will go back to finishing this Canadian history paper so I can hand it in early tomorrow morning without loosing 5pts.
make it a good one dearie. And enjoy poli sic! (and keep up with your readings or you will so regret it lol)
I hate your lack of French class
really? i rather enjoy it.
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