Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Guess who's now employed?

Guess where? Sears! Coles wants me too but they can't guarentee me the hours I want to get money for Germany/Prague so I'll be over at Sears at a Customer Service desk 37.5 hours a week at 8.50$/hr!!!!!!!!!!
So yeah, little excited. Torn because the Coles people are really nice and I really wanted to work with them but I go where money and hours and good so....
How are the rest of you doing? :-)


Monday, June 26, 2006

Yay UDP, Nose Hill, Myspace music and MSN and people and Coles!

Meeting up with Gee, Caitlin, Sean, Devon and Kelci on Saturday in Prince's Island Park then debating with the Green Peace people, then up to Gee's for the BBQ, Twister games and Cranium then walking up to Nose Hill, seeing the deer on the way, and then being eaten alive by mosquitos and taking pictures for the UDP, then slurpees while waiting for the bus... A day to be repeated many times this summer!
I was on my Myspace for the first time in months last night and stumbled across Myspace Music and found a few new bands that I love: Panda (at myspace.com/pandalandia), an indie rock band from Monterrey, Mexico, Plain White T's, who Oriana told me about, (http://www.plainwhitets.com/) and Feeling Left Out (http://www.myspace.com/floia).
And MSN is lovely just because. Same with people because they're awesome as a rule.
Coles = happy so far because they called me this morning to arrange for an interview to get me on part-time. In other words, around 2.30 tomorrow afternoon I'll be tied up for a while. :-)

I'm going to go eat some more and then go sneaker shopping with Mum and Joseph then drop off applications at Best Western and another place...Econo Lodge, that's it...

Hasta luego!

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Happy Fête Nationale!

Joyeuse Fête Nationale, everyone!

Art is love.

A HUGE thank-you to Oriana and Rosella for taking me down to Art Central today because, as the post's title suggests, art is love. It's moving and scathing and thought-provoking and generally unbareably wonderous. I'm going down when I have enough money to buy a print of the following painting: Prison-niée by Em Hunter (emhunter.net; quab.ca)

Look at his eyes, aren't they crying out for something?
Then we went to the EPCOR Centre to see two sculptures by the same artist that did Tête Cuivre series and the two that were so amazing yet deeply disturbing (and filled my mind with a measure of outrage and made me see visions of myself attacking the limbless figure on the ground) they were incredible.
Then we went through a plus-fifteen over towards City Hall and sat by the pool and splashed each other with water and had pretty good conversations then onto the train, up to Dalhousie where I took a bus up to Georgeanne's place.
Once at the Blue residence, we were shortly joined by Georgeanne's aunt and uncle and cousin; we ate a delicious dinner then us kids had tea then played Twister, after which we managed to convince the parents to play Cranium with us, which we won, by the way. Good fun all round.
I've really enjoyed the last few days and hope all of you people have as well.

I should get to bed soon as I'm supposed to do admin work for Dad tomorrow for his literary society SATOR (which I'll be paid for I hear) and be chipper enough to function and be happy doing so.

A plus tard!

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Things I like:

  • people in general right now
  • that Oriana introduced me to chai tea yesterday and it's delicious
  • music
  • life
  • the prospect of jobs
  • the thought of hanging out at the art gallery tomorrow

Jobs and World Cup.

I haven't gotten the chance to really watch as much of the World Cup as I've wanted to, but I must say I'm very pleased that Ghana beat the USA today, knocking them out of the rounds.
I love Aqualung today just because they're one of the bands whose music is working when I transfer it from the desktop computer to the laptop, that and they're pretty awesome.
On the job front, I have now given out six applications, including the worthless try at Safeway; the stores that are vying and/or considering and/or have an application are: Dalhousie's Chapters and their Starbucks location, Brentwood's Hula Juice and North Hill's Coles, Sears and HMV looks very promising (when I asked them if they were hiring the guy behind the counter asked if I wanted a full-time or part-time position and upon my saying "full-time" he asked if I could do part-time and I said sure, then about my availability and then the last three CDs I had bought and he said he'd probably call me in a few days! :-D).
Hopefully HMV'll work out and pay well and give me a good few hours.
And I went off with Georgeanne whilst job hunting and she brought the muffins she had made and we ate them and looked over her application for her uncle's shop down in the industrial South.
Tomorrow should prove good too as I'll be going to an art show with Oriana and Rosella and then to Georgeanne's dad's BBQ and Kate is also invited to it so yay!

I must go downstairs and sweep now, so 'til later people.
Oh! By the way, people with radios should listen on CBC Radio One, 1010 am, tonight from 7:30 to 8:00 pm because there'll be some interesting segments including this one:
Slavery's lingering legacy: blacks in Oklahoma seek a place among the Cherokee Indians that once held them captive -- only to find racism as pervasive now, as it was back then.
So listen to CBC tonight.

'Kay, bye now,

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Safeway = no job.

However, today I did pick up an application for both Starbucks in the Chapters at Dalhousie Station and the Chapters itself at Dalhousie Station.
Yay Grey's! Sorry Candace, I was out with Kelci and Georgeanne today and we kinda watched the second dvd of the First Season, aka Episodes 6-9, which were reallly good.
And I will drop off applications with resumes tomorrow then meet Oriana for coffee. Should be fun.
Anyways, gotta go to bed to have applications dropped off (and applications gotten from Coles at North Hill, if they're even hiring, and Brentwood's JugoJuice) and info gotten from my manager last year at Safeway and general happiness and goodness to meet Oriana by 12.30pm so,

A plus tard,

Thursday, June 15, 2006

So. I'll update about the magnificant excursion of yesterday later but for now something completely different....

I want my MP to Marlene Jennings of Notre-Dame-de-Grâce-Lachine because she's pretty fun, though of course Jim isn't bad, I was watching Question Period today while eating lunch and avoiding studying. She's the Deputy Opposition House Leader and asked some good questions today. Yes. This is what I do when I'm bored sometimes, and it was actually kinda fun to see how we were more civilized at Model Leg than the real MPs are overall.
Anyhow, I'll go back to doing Spanish/Math review. And keep waiting for Peggy from Safeway to call me back about a job there. She called around 11.30 this morning and after a quick exchange she said she'd need a few minutes to look over other applications and see who'd be working in August... The phone has only rung once since she last called and I'm really impatient for her to call back.
ANyways, hope people's Social finals went well today and all is right in your worlds.

Til later,

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Hello world.

I am almost officially done gr 11. Go me! And I just got my hair cut and it's shorter! :-)
Yay bingo in Spanish (it's "¡Loto!" by the way)! And doing absolutely nothing in English today.
Um. So yeah, I'm gonna go be useless for a bit and try to remember how to write personal responses and short short stories and stuff for tomorrow's English written test.
And wow, I'm excited for CWS (the Cold War Sim we're running) on Friday! We worked on some of it last night, preliminary news stories/press releases and communiqués and such. I get to be LBJ aka the VP aka the President when JFK (Sean) was assassinated.
And I love Andy Stochansky, by the way. He is a beautiful musician and Rosella loves him tremendously as well. I shall go listen to him.

A plus tard les gars et filles, hasta luego, (I'll call you Candace re: tomorrow)

Friday, June 09, 2006

Today was the best day in forever!

So. I'm not going to write too too much right now but suffice it to say I had soooooooooooo much fun today!

Thursday, June 08, 2006

I'm sick of expectations.

I'm sick of expectations and prejudices and insecurities and the coddling and useless fluffy words and all the people who have nothing to say and talk anyway and people who I gush to and never gush back or respond to my gushing in anyway and people who aren't there when I call their house and make me so sick of them.
And don't talk to me about this, I'll talk to you if I want to about it.


Monday, June 05, 2006

CBC has changed their website!

I don't know if I like it yet. :S