Saturday, March 04, 2006

So we didn't do as well as we hoped to...

Erin and I didn't qualify for Provincials today at Pearson ( freakishly big/open/modern-looking school), but we did win our Parliamentary Impromptu on mandatory voting and I loosened up and got more passionate as the day wore on and yeah...t'was a good time over all.
We are exceedingly proud of Abe debaters, we swept the Top Speakers and won in the Sr Open category and came second (a la Anne and I last year) in Sr Beginner. Yay Kees and Sean for sucessfully arguing that private healthcare would be beneficial for Canada! *gasp*
But Rob Anders spoke before we heard the results for the Open category and it was painful because he didn't speak loud enough into the microphone and didn't really say anything important or that we cared about so t'was a waste of time on his part.
Hopefully Erin and I can fill up for people who could drop out of French (we were 10th for French and 26th of 43-ish today and I was 20th Speaker out of 143 or so) for English but whatever, we did fairly well and enjoyed ourselves.
I've got Georgeanne coming over in a few minutes and we're gonna watch Garden State, yay Zach Braff from Scrubs!
Um, so that's all really for today's update.
For Kate's benefit (because I don't think I've said this before), I finished The Eyre Affair (amazingly awesomely phenomenal) and I'm about half-way through Lost In A Good Book. I <3 Jasper Fforde. :)
So I'm off to wait for Georgeanne and get ready to slump into the sofa and watch a good movie.

Have a good weekend all, (and I'm less hateful now, really)


A. said...

Woah. Now I'm somehow very happy my dad had me stay at home to move funiture all day...with Anders being there and all. (mind, I got to go out and I bought a season set of this british spy-drama called MI-5 and it's really good. Wanted Due South but couldn't find it.)

Were people attempting to ignore anders as he spoke? And I'm trying to think where they would've been presenting the theatre, the stealthy gym (i was at pearson for summer school. I was curious where the gym was but never found it) or the main lobby area place.

(you know, i think you'll make it into provincials. Like from the last two years, usually a slew drop out and a bunch get in. Usually. Keep your hopes up!)

oooh Garden State. Zach Braff. I need to see that someday.


Kate said...

Back up... You lot had Anders at your mercy and you didn't mob him? I am so dissapointed in you all. However Mike, good job!!! Good job everyone else too.
British spy-dramas are awesome and I'm mad at you Mike, because when we talked you said you'd be on now and your not, though at the same time you did call yesterday... So on the scale of Kate you're slightly above neutral. It will rise if you think of a REALLY good excuse... lol
Just kidding, due to the fact that I made a big deal about getting the 'ordi' at 6, and no one's on...
Anyways, ttyl

Cohen said...

Sorry about not being on Kate, I slept in and then I was furiously filling out forms in the off-chance that enough people drop out of English for Provincials. But because of my hurrying I wasn't late for math so you should be proud. And in my defense I felt horrible the whole walk to school about not having talked to you.
I'll try to be on about...well, wait a sec, when do you have computer access on Wednesday? I have double spare then so we could try to talk the time difference 7 hours? Say 7 or 8 your time...

I'll try to talk to you then, keep having fun in France and I'll talk to you on Sunday if not before then. I'm hugging people for you tomorrow because the Debate room was relatively sparsely populated/I forgot to hug people for you.