Wednesday, March 15, 2006

So, Radio-Canada tells me...

it's National Francophonie week! Alors joyeuse semaine de la Francophonie au Canada!
Not much more to say. Today was nothing too exciting. Well, there was a victory parade for the Sr Boys Basketball team which featured the team in their distressingly bright orange jackets, the Trojan and several band geeks playing loud trombone and whistle-type thing and some cheering.
I heard a number of people say we should do that for Debate when we win but as one of my friends pointed out at lunch, it'd be going every week or so and people mightn't appreciate it as much.
I wonder why the jocks get special treatment but the smart people get comparative scorn?
I'm still working on your letter Kate.
I'm going to do math homework. Oh joy oh bliss! I actually understand it!

Until later,

1 comment:

A. said...

oh vraiment?! Hmm... consider me uninformed about things like this. Huh.

I should go and get myself a cheap navy blue t-shirt and make a white fleur de lys print on it or something...or design one on the computer for fun.

(our school's team spirit died as soon as mrs. levy took power imho.)

i'm understanding my math too! (matrices, le yay!)