Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Not necessarily a meaningful update but a writing update nevertheless.

So, not too much is happening over here.
It's mean to have me get up at a regular time before nine or ten or later in the morning and have myself believe that I can still stay up later. And I'm sure Kate or somebody will say "suck it up" or the like but I'm just sharing I don't like the shock of having to be in school again.
When I got downstairs to leave today, I wasn't going to be on time if I were to walk, it was about nine and school starts at 9.20 so that wouldn't happen. Joseph was on his way out too so we plotted to either take the Train to the University so he could make it to his first History class and I could walk from the station to Abe but when we got outside Joseph decided that we'd just walk. He was not awake at all and I wasn't much more chipper. We walked down 20th, where the 10 Bus drives, just in case it came so we could hitch a ride and cut a lot of time, by which I mean 15 minutes, off my trip and we managed to get the bus in front of my doctor's office, just up from Branton.
We reviewed the characters from the major works of literature we've studied in high school French in FLA today to refresh ourselves for the written part of our diplomas next week.
In Bio today, Andrea and I reviewed how a nerve impulse travels down an axon from the dendrites to the synaptic cleft and onto another neuron. I, of course, thought we were going to continue working on our last unit Population and Communities studies or something like that (featuring the Harvey-Wineberg principle so far) so I didn't take my Bio Key or my review packages in and accidentally forgot my textbook. I was not impressed when we needed exactly what I didn't take.
Then came lunch and we had our debate meeting and Sean, Kees, Jason, Ryland, Sam and Rhiannon did a brief run-through on British Parliamentary because the U of C tournament is BP this year and is on Saturday and most people have never done BP before and the University students will still be hung over from University Worlds so Poirier gave us the major topics he saw for those people who will be going, unlike me.
Then came Social where we looked at our Red Book of Old Provincial Exams and Essay Topics and we grouped together many of the essay topics and wrote a new question for ourselves and wrote up a plan with arguments and examples to be photocopied to be passed out in preparation for the essay next week.

Now I'm sitting here in Spare in the library and I'm thinking I'm going to go home and do a few hours of revision and rewriting and condenscing my notes to get ready for the Bio final on the 18th and the Field Test tomorrow.

Alright, so really I'm going to just read webcomics before I go home, but I'm going to go home now I think.

Bye for now people,


A. said...

"In Bio today, Andrea and I reviewed how a nerve impulse travels down an axon from the dendrites to the synaptic cleft and onto another neuron."

PS. You get that knocked into your head some more if you take any Intro to Experimental Psychology course in the future.

Sadly since I didn't take a single Bio class in High School, and 90% of the questions on the first midterm mostly covered the nervous system and what have you, my first psych midterm went terribly. D:

BTW, I would suggest patrolling your mailbox this week and perhaps through till next week.

Shenikay said...

unlike you? you mean you're not doing U of C? why not? Can I do it in your place? Please?

Emma said...

I think I actually understood what you wrote about the nerve impulses. *shock* but we only briefed it over, we're going to learn it more intensively next year.

You're getting lazy over having to be at school by 9:20? I have to be there at 8:20. And it's a 40 minutes drive from my house, when you take traffic into consideration. And since my big brother takes up the shower the minute he gets up till the minute we leave the house... I have to wake up at 6:30 if I want to be able to use the bathroom. Think of that next time you complain about having to get up early.

Kate said...

Thank you Naama. Though I suppse that competly confirms Mike's point about me telling him to suck it up. Oh well, sometimes he knows me too well!