Friday, December 08, 2006

Hi all.

This is one of my old-style blog posts where I just feel like blogging and have nothing to say really, doing nothing to improve the world by sharing my thoughts and musings about nothing.

I'm really just typing with no real goal in mind.

I'm writing questions for another group's eventual presentation for Social about the relations between superpowers during the Cold War.

I'm also craving the apple turnover I have in my lunch. Parents went and bought a Costco membership and have gone on two shopping sprees, buying all kinds of food and various items and that includes apple turnovers that are really good.

Also, I'm listening to (an online radio station that you can basically choose what it plays by giving thumbs up or down on a song after searching for a song or artist) for the first time in probably three months. It is quite the awesome little website.

Grrr at the school fire alarm. I was just about to sit down and Naama had been online according to my trusty WebMessenger and I was going to listen to music but the damn alarm rang so we all had to go outside and huddle for a few minutes then come back inside and now Naama is away. I'll bother her later, however currently I'm talking to Caitlin. :-)
I should consider doing work now but in all honesty, that won't happen. I'm so irresponsible. Oh well.

I have most of my voice back now, just to update that situation. I have a debate tomorrow at Queen E, a Christmas-themed Canadian Parliamentary tournament, and I'm going with Trevor Gair and it should be a good combination. Hooray for lozenges and lots of water. My voice is still kinda higher than usual but I have most vocal function back so yay!

I'm going to stop this post here now but don't worry, you'll have many more useless posts to read in the future.

Bye for now people!


Anonymous said...

A morning blog post? Hm.

Strepsil losenges are good (and I suppose Neo Citran is out of the question :P), Benylin works too just, you'll be blowing your nose after a bit. Or at least I was.

Pandora, Pandora...haven't listened to that in over a year.

Anonymous said...

congratulations on getting your voice back :)

Why did the fire alarm go off, anyway? Don't worry too much about it - I wasn't really online :P Just forgot to sign out when I went to sleep.

Anonymous said...

I made an awesometastic christmas station on pandora. it was originally christmas jazz but i expanded it to be some choir music too and it's soooo good, i'm listening to it right now. :)
in university they only do one fire drill a year (or maybe semester, i hope it's just per year!) but it's crappy in that they do all the buildings at separate times, and i happened to be in whatever particular building was having its fire drill no fewer than 4 times in 24 hours :P. smetimes the rez fire alarm goes off, but we generally just ignore it lol. if it was really a fire it would keep ringing and it never does. Guess who's coming home tomorrow!

Kate said...


PS - can I borrow your unit 2 notes please?

Cohen said...

be more specific

Anonymous said...

*flick* how did the interview go? and why do you never update your blog?

Anonymous said...

*flick* how did the interview go? and why do you never update your blog?

Anonymous said...

*flick* how did the interview go? and why do you never update your blog?

Anonymous said...

*flick* how did the interview go? and why do you never update your blog?