Monday, March 26, 2007

I would like to direct everyone's attention to the fact that the CBC is projecting a minority government in Quebec but it's too close to tell who'll pull in first.
The CBC has this on their website:

CBC News is projecting a minority government in Quebec.

The Liberal party and Action Démocratique du Québec are running neck and neck and it's still too early to tell who will form the next government.

More to come

Overall Election Results
PartyElectedLeadingTotalVote Share
Last Update:March 26, 9:10:00 PM EDT

Overall Election Results
PartyElectedLeadingTotalVote Share
Last Update:March 26, 11:08:58 PM EDT


A. said...

Stupid blogger, ate my previous comment...



The PQ lost all their seats in the Eastern Townships.(!)

The Adéquistes, have 41 MNAs; up 36 from before. Many of them have no experience in politics.

The PQ came third and is no longer the prime opposition for the first time since the 70s.

The ADQ forms the Opposition. (Wha--?)

Laval, as usual, voted Liberal but Québec City which was usually a Péquiste stronghold, turned to the ADQ save one Liberal or PQ MNA.

First Minority gov't in 130 years but only because 130 years ago, Québec had a 2-party system, therefore no minority gov't. (And from then on, it was mostly the Nationalists vs the Federalists or what have you)

Charest nearly lost his seat due to a silly PQ analyst(?) who contested every vote in that riding and a box of advanced votes that hadn't been counted.

In a lot of ridings, members of the ADQ came in close or distant second.

Dubourg becomes the first Haitian Liberal MNA.

The PQ learned that it is not a good idea to try and run against a Liberal who is Greek and is running in a mostly Greek riding.

Overall, with the Seperatists not the opposition and calling for Sovereignty, I think I can sit down for a bit knowing that it'll be many more years before we have a '95 again. None of that plzkthnx. Granted most Quebecois who were fed up with the Liberals either parked their votes with the ADQ or the PVQ--the Greens (or even, aah, Québec Solidaire) as a form of protest...anyways *shrugs* We'll see how this'll play out in the National Assembly I suppose. Charest seems keen on working with all three parties, which shouldn't be too hard I don't think (ok, save that all three of them are from extreme ends of the spectrum)

Something could happen to the PQ--the fact that they're in 3rd is something. I suppose Québécois have had enough with the Seperatism banter?

/end politico ramble

Devon said...

Bleugh. ADQ. How on earth did they get that many votes considering all their gaffes + their lack of experience? *headdesk* Anyways. No threat of separation = happy. Crazy official opposition = not happy. And that is my analysis.