Friday, March 23, 2007

It is silly to have parent-teacher interviews on Thursdays because they screw up the rest of my week. The whole other day.
Hello all. I think it's not a good idea to schedule such things such days, but that's just me.
I'm sitting here in my room listening to Stars, Elevator Love Letter currently, typing away here with nothing really substantial to say. I think this will end up being a real blog update like I haven't in a while.
My right foot is somewhat asleep right now. I don't like that feeling when you try and wake up a sleeping foot, or appendage generally.
The line that is the name of my blog was just sung in its song. Just thought I'd share that.
I like that my blog isn't one of the productive or important ones out in the blogosphere, but a random collection of stories and opinions and quizzes and different such things.
I went over to Meghan's house for the first time in forever today after school. It was fun and good to reconnect with her. I have people I haven't spent time with lately and I want to rectify that and I feel like I moved towards that today.
I like Garou. Joseph got me one of his cds when he went to CANIMUN and I listened to it before I put on Stars (Heart). He is a joyful Frenchman.
Also, I like gum. Gum is very handy and delicious. I have... four packs of 14, two of which are open, right now. It's a good addiction I think.
My foot is no longer asleep if anyone was wondering.
I did the monologue I posted earlier today in English. One of my favourite lines is "When sorrows come, they come not single spies, but in battalions", because it's applicable in both the play and real life. Events and assignments and stresses and annoyances tend to snowball or avalanche or drop like single snowflakes. I prefer the snowflakes that melt as they hit the pavement because the temperature is bordering on warm and cool and fizzle out quickly, that is, problems that aren't very large ones and can be solved easily, not snowballs that trigger avalanches. Thankfully, that isn't really happening now, only a snowball or two. Nothing major.

Things to do:
-read Act I of King Lear for Monday and know absurd details for the test in English
-start really writing my Poli Sci paper
-find poetry for the Bohemian Fridays we're going to start in English soon
-review review review math
-gardening with Mum tomorrow
-remember to relax within reason
-learn how to properly play Settlers of Catan with people because it's a fun game
-get some tea soon because I think I want a hot cuppa
-not be mean to Joseph when the occasion presents itself. He's bugging me about being acidic and nasty and saying he bets my friends don't like it when I snip at them. At least he hasn't called me snippy in a long time, that word really annoys me and he used it a lot for a while and it was used excessively and drew comments about my snippiness from me in sniping tones.

Anyways, that was my meaningful update for today, with maybe more in a while or not.
I have to go wash a few pots and utensils from supper and replenish the supply of toilet paper for the main floor and upstairs bathrooms.

Bye for now!
Until later,

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