Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Alright, so not actually a real update but a fun one that I heard on World Report while getting ready this morning and that I find quite amusing.

Scents may boost our sense of romance

Last Updated: Wednesday, February 14, 2007 | 12:21 PM ET

Some baby boomers may reach for Viagra and progesterone creams on Valentine's Day, but the potential side-effects have others looking for alternatives for flagging libidos, such as scented patches.

A scented patch promoted as a drug-free way to boost desire is one of a growing number of products being developed in the field of aromacology.

Scents directly stimulate the brain because the olfactory system — the sense of smell system — is hard wired.

Linda Ryan of Wolfville, N.S., is taking advantage of how scents affect the brain to treat her postmenopausal low libido. Ryan uses a lightly scented patch called Scentuelle, which she places on her wrist and sniffs every hour, or when she thinks of it.

"You start relaxing, you start feeling better about yourself, and you just start feeling sexier," said Ryan.

Scentuelle was developed by a biochemist in Scotland.

Ryan and her husband Luke Vorstermans said they were so pleased with how the patch worked after three weeks that they bought the North American distribution rights for the product.

"When you smell Scentuelle … the size of the molecule mimics that of dopamine," said Vorstermans. "So it's basically sending a chemical message to the brain."

Dopamine is the body's feel-good hormone.

As an odour researcher, Heather Schellinck of Dalhousie University's Institute of Neuroscience in Halifax acknowledged that studies show human body odours can affect behaviour and mood.

"There really isn't any literature that would suggest that there is any compound that would increase your libido," the psychologist said.

Schellinck does not rule out the possibility that sniffing a patch could be a turn on, even if it is simply through the power of suggestion.


Devon said...

That totally doesn't shock me at all. Smells are a huge turn-on. Why do you think I stole Bill's hoodie? Not because it fits me nicely, that's for sure. Not to mention how distracted I get when there's someone nearby wearing his cologne. And that's even without mentioning pheromones ... :D

Cohen said...

one of my friends is the same way.

Cohen said...

hoodie wise that is.

Meghan D said...

I take it you are talking about me! Smell its a great thing.. really truely can be like a drug!

Emma said...

Oh, totally. I ended up begging my dad to buy this guys perfume. Now that I have it, I sniff it. Seriously. When I feel bad, I just sniff his perfume. And when he's around, I just come up and shamelessly sniff.

Scents are great <3

Cohen said...

i would of course be talking about you, meghan.
i remember you saying that naama.
i love random little stories like this one!