Saturday, September 16, 2006

Back after popular debate, my blog will have a real update.

Hello all. It's me! No, I haven't died or moved to a cabin in the backwoods without internet access, I just haven't really been inspired to update lately.
So, let's see... School's going pretty well: I have three classes with Kate so either we're going to drive each other nuts or get along really well or some permutation of such conditions, we share Social first, Spare second and Bio third, she has Chem last and I have French last. It's quite handy, actually, to not always have to know what class I have next because I can turn to Kate and we can usually figure it out between the two of us. And Social is just generally awesome, we watched a movie Thursday and Friday that featured a very very strange "game show" with the "contestants" being representatives of different ideologies (Absolute monarchy, Representative democracy, Communism, Socialism and Fascism) and yeah. It was very... unique. The Communist rep had a peculiar way of speaking that featured her pronouncing each syllable almost, very Shatner-singing-esque, while the Socialist was extraordinarily enthusiastic about everything and frequently couldn't contain her excitement and would flail her arms around and clap and bounce up and down and then the occasional shit-disturber Anarchy guy would come through and rant and rave and then run off stage.
My Bio teacher is very organized and has her own website which she posts many of her notes and links to animations and things on, which can show you what's happening so the manner that a nerve impulse travels down a neuron makes at least somewhat more sense than zero.
And I have Bandol but good friends in my class so we manage to not slam our heads on our desks too often, though her complete incomprehensibility and astronomically high heels are distracting.
Anyways, Kate's on her way to work on our video for Social and Georgeanne will be coming in about a half hour along with Sean and Gaby and assorted peoples to work on our video and alternately prepare posters for Take Back The Night tonight, which I'm very excited for, and I'm going to go eat some food to be able to be all energetic later on.
So, hopefully this update will keep the crazies pacified for a while.

Until then, bye!


Shenikay said...

omg i LOVED that video in soc. i giggled like a crazy person the entire time. and just so you know, communisim chick was definitely supposed to have a russian accent. which chapter are you doing?

A. said...

And Social is just generally awesome, we watched a movie Thursday and Friday that featured a very very strange "game show" with the "contestants" being representatives of different ideologies (Absolute monarchy, Representative democracy, Communism, Socialism and Fascism) and yeah

......I recall being slightly traumtized by Miss Happy-go-lucky Socialism and Miss Democracy. Hm.

Your Bio teacher work methods make it sound like she's extremly experienced. Most (or in my case, none) univ profs do that.

Geez...Bandol... I pity you. *long distance sympathies* Enjoying Neige en Deuil?