Sunday, August 20, 2006


So basically I miss SUNIA a lot. SUNIA is life and I miss really living. :(
Devon's party was fun last night as was Georgeanne's sister Alex's party after that.
Sears was pretty lousy today until I had a few nice people starring an almost older lady (early 60's I guestimate) who I told to keep her shoe box exactly a month ago and she came back with them thanking me profusely for having encouraged her to keep it because her shoes ended up being terrible and falling apart a bit. So she said she hoped I had kept telling people to keep their boxes because she was sure they'd bless me too for doing so. I got warm fuzzy feelings from her. :-D
Anyways, I'm going to go call Gee to see if it's worth me trying to go see Bon Cop Bad Cop since it starts really soon and I don't know exactly which bus to take to get out to Crowfoot...

'Til later all (and btw Devon, your stories = omfg amazing),


Shenikay said...

i'll be back in 2 days, you have to tell me ALL ABOUT IT!!!! (sunia, that is. not sears :D )

A. said...

Go grab Kelci, Devon, Gee, Kate and a bunch of others (Say...Oriana?) and go see it! =D

I miss people. D=


A. said...

Is Candace in Immersion? Perhaps invite her and a bunch of other people too! (BTW, drag Kate anyways and Caitlin as both of them did not come on Sunday)

*goes and has supper*

Devon said...

Hahahaha. Yays for you liking my fics! Hoorah!