Thursday, September 27, 2007


I blogged about Aung San Suu Kyi on my old blog and she has remained one of my heroes. She is the rightful prime minister of Burma and I unquestionably support her eventual reinstatement as head of the Burmese government.

I have the utmost repect for the incredible Buddhist monks who have led demonstrations unprecedented since the 1988 crackdown in response to the 8888 democratic uprising mobilized up to 100 000 citizens, primarily in Yangon, the former Burmese capital (recently relocated to a practically fabricated city, originally a small village, Nay Pyi Taw), for the last several days.

Finally, after a reported 20 people have been killed, China has called on all sides in Burma to exercise restraint.

Saturday, September 08, 2007

It's been ages since I've updated...

Hi all. It's been quite a while since I've updated so I think I should.
Summer's almost officially done, which kinda sucks and is kinda exciting. I start my university career in two days, Monday, September 10 at 1pm with a fifty-minute long linguistics course.
What's new since last post? I'm cutting back to a shift a week at Sears now, I have Alfred, my lovely blue 4GB iPod, and Zeke, my lovely red cellular telephone, who is a more recent acquisition. Zeke is, by the way, my first cell phone that I've paid for completely myself and that I actually own, rather than the two I've taken out when I've gone out with friends in the past and left at Caitlin's house two weeks ago for a few nights after forgetting it there. That phone isn't special enough to have a name.
I'm in love with Richard Dawkins' The God Delusion, which has been the book I've read fair consistently during my breaks for the last two weeks or so. It's refreshing to have my religious views supported and the omnipresent Judeo-Christian tradition picked apart and shown as flawed and impossible and validating the confusion I'd had for ages.
I also had a flash back to earlier times today when I found there are Old Time Radio podcasts available on iTunes today while I was poking around that venerable database/shop. I've downloaded shows I haven't heard in months and, while it might seem strange to some, I'm really happy to hear those familiar voices again and the familiar theme music from The Jack Benny Show and Suspense and Inner Sanctum. This probably means nothing to most of you but I love them so yay for me!

I have my first Sundays-only shift tomorrow at 10h15 and I still have some organizing to do in my room, so I should be toddling off.

Until later, sometime this month, don't worry,