Tuesday, May 29, 2007

I'm graduating from high school tomorrow. Weird. I have to be an adult almost, with responsibilities and no obligatory school and university in front of me and people moving away and no more public school with my friends from yesterday and forever ago, relatively speaking. It'll be so indescribably great, the singing at the ceremony, the ceremony, the dressing up (one of my favourite parts), the anticipation, the photos, the toasts, the food, the dancing, the overall celebration. So excited.

Until later,


Emma said...

Sounds a little scary to me. Thank god I've got an entire year before I have to deal with that :)

(by the way, here obligatory school ends in 10th grade and from that point forward you can quit whenever you want, isn't it the same in Canada?)

Cohen said...

in our province it's obligatory to be in school from age 6 to 16, but if you really want to do anything, as most people do, you follow classes up until grade 12, about 17 or 18 years old.

Kate said...

EWwww the dressing up bit...
Well I guess it didn't go that badly