Saturday, April 07, 2007

I'm having a crazy flashback to Quebec trip in grade 8. I had a craving for the "Et c'est pas fini" song and I'm listening to songs from the 2003 Star Academy cd people have uploaded onto LimeWire and they're so happy and French and I can remember sitting at the back of the bus one of the evenings when we were going back to the camp we were staying at from some day trip and the songs just blasting over the loudspeakers and everybody singing along, saying words we understood, us Late Immersion kids, and the Continuing generally enjoying themselves.
Oh, Quebec trip. Good times. Good times...

Until later,

PS, my Poli Sci paper is really about 70% done now, after how long? I love it when my creativity decides to be helpful and my mind wants to focus on things I have to do rather than things I can't control or do anything substantive about.
Bye again,

1 comment:

A. said...

Mwahaha...Et c'est pas fini is awesome. (and was subsequently the 'opening theme' for Star Académie I think) Haven't heard it in forever...Hm.

Btw, did you get my emails? :o

My English essay is about 10% started. Aah