Wednesday, February 21, 2007

U of C's Email from minutes ago!!!!!!

"Congratulations! We are pleased to advise you that an offer of Early Admission to the University of Calgary is being prepared for you. The offer should arrive in the mail soon and includes some very important information."
Yay!!!!!!!!! I'm going to University officially now!

Until later,

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

I just wanted to share that I'm listening to a funny song by Electric Six called "I Buy the Drugs" and I was looking up "addict" on a web translator to tell Devon that she's addicted to 24, so as I realized which song was playing, I happened to look over to that window and saw addict and chuckled.
It's lame but I smiled.
Until later,

Monday, February 19, 2007

So I just discovered that I don't have Choir tomorrow morning and that's really exciting! Sleep-in until 7.30! Yay!
Here's a real update.
I really do love life, even if some things are making it more complicated. My classes this semester are going well so far. Well, passable at least. English is a good class (I had "English is good" then reconsidered it...), discussions centring around somewhat similar themes throughout the presentations on A Streetcar Named Desire (which is amazing and everyone has to read it, by the way).
Then I have Poli Sci, where we have our first test tomorrow on the Intro and the USA chapter, which I have not read in full because I am a bad person. We've had our "Create-A-Country" project and sang summary songs about US politics (so here's hoping the concepts I skimmed from there are on the test!) and will be putting together our mobiles on the sections of the UK chapter tomorrow.
After which I have Spanish, which I've gone to all but once when I had to finish the essay part of my project for English (we had a sub who had no idea what we were doing and reminded me exactly of Mme. Salloum...could be her younger sister... but not really), where we're reviewing Spanish 20 and working on new verbs and the placement of pronouns and all that good stuff.
And finally there's Math, which is pretty good I suppose, we're starting our second unit, Trig, the one I hate among others, and I had my first test last Wednesday so hopefully we'll see how I did and hopefully I did somewhat well on it.

There is then, of course, Debate and Model UN, the other big time consumers in my life. Bilinguals are on Friday then HSMUN is Saturday and Sunday, and then English Regionals is coming up in two weekends I think. We have a general semblence of a case for Regionals that'll be usable by Friday (fingers crossed), based on what we worked out at the Gr 12 dinner, two weekends ago now if I'm not mistaken, and what Sean and Georgeanne and Kate and I have cobbled together in between. And we have contacts this year for Model UN, or at least I do now, I'm sure everyone else had people in mind last year they could talk to but now I have people from SUNIA who I know who I can talk to throughout the Sim about stuff and trying to pressure their schools and such, so that'll be a good time. However, I really should call work tomorrow to tell them I can't come in next Sunday...

And then I have my actual life, outside of work and school and other things and that's going well too: going out for coffee and tea with friends or staying in and going tobogganing, having deep conversations over foosball most nights with Joseph about our days and the random facts from his Eastern and Western Religions classes and his Poli Sci prof's doomsday predictions and literary and musical musings, chatting with parents whenever.

Me voila. As I've said, life is good and I'm enjoying it. Sure, it'll be busy in the next while but with any luck it'll only spice things up and not drag me down to an overburdened state next-door to jello.

There's a substantial update. Other people should find time to update too. *smiles cheekily*

Bye for now all and until later,

Friday, February 16, 2007

I love this year. Stress but fun, work but not too much of it, school, visiting friends, seeing people from the past, looking at people of the future, wondering about how life's unfolding and enjoying it all. Can't it go on forever?
I've started The Grapes of Wrath and for everybody's information, I'm in love with it already.
Just thought you all needed to know.
Until later,
So the business office is dumb and thinks that I still owe them two textbooks from Social but I gave those in to MP during the exams, the day that I wrote my Bio, before I went and judged at FEO.
They are already in, Business office lady, leave me alone!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Alright, so not actually a real update but a fun one that I heard on World Report while getting ready this morning and that I find quite amusing.

Scents may boost our sense of romance

Last Updated: Wednesday, February 14, 2007 | 12:21 PM ET

Some baby boomers may reach for Viagra and progesterone creams on Valentine's Day, but the potential side-effects have others looking for alternatives for flagging libidos, such as scented patches.

A scented patch promoted as a drug-free way to boost desire is one of a growing number of products being developed in the field of aromacology.

Scents directly stimulate the brain because the olfactory system — the sense of smell system — is hard wired.

Linda Ryan of Wolfville, N.S., is taking advantage of how scents affect the brain to treat her postmenopausal low libido. Ryan uses a lightly scented patch called Scentuelle, which she places on her wrist and sniffs every hour, or when she thinks of it.

"You start relaxing, you start feeling better about yourself, and you just start feeling sexier," said Ryan.

Scentuelle was developed by a biochemist in Scotland.

Ryan and her husband Luke Vorstermans said they were so pleased with how the patch worked after three weeks that they bought the North American distribution rights for the product.

"When you smell Scentuelle … the size of the molecule mimics that of dopamine," said Vorstermans. "So it's basically sending a chemical message to the brain."

Dopamine is the body's feel-good hormone.

As an odour researcher, Heather Schellinck of Dalhousie University's Institute of Neuroscience in Halifax acknowledged that studies show human body odours can affect behaviour and mood.

"There really isn't any literature that would suggest that there is any compound that would increase your libido," the psychologist said.

Schellinck does not rule out the possibility that sniffing a patch could be a turn on, even if it is simply through the power of suggestion.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Despite the busy-ness and hustle and bustle, life's pretty awesome. Good classes, good friends, good debates and hanging out in between.
Good stuff over all.
A better update sometime soon.

Until later,

Friday, February 02, 2007

I am contenter.