Tuesday, October 31, 2006

I'm working on this essay for French...

I first wrote it in-class on Friday, on whether science should stay in French or even offered in French for Immersion students when they graduate from jr high and move into high school and I took the position that where there are possibilities to continue scientific studies in French, there should be the option of pursuing such courses if there is the demand. Let me tell you, I'm working on researching a little the availability of French Science courses from the Education Department site for the Government of Alberta and I'm pretty pissed that there's the option for francophone and apparently IMMERSION students to take their Sciences in high school in French. If I could have, and don't get me wrong, Science 10 and Bio 20 and 30 are and were fun and good in English and whatever, but if I had had the chance to keep studying Science in French, there's no way I would've gone back to English Science. *pouts* I don't want any comments that "Oh, well the Francophones suck" or that the "AB system for French fails its students" or anything like that, I'm just pissed that it's apparently available in this province and I had to relearn many of the basic concepts in English when I knew them perfectly well in French and I know it's probably completely impossible to find qualified French Science teachers in Alberta who aren't in Francophone schools (which are probably private and can pay them better) or in jr highs but still. *bitches*

So that's all for now. I'm pretty happy other than that. People were cool and dressed up today (unlike me, I'm not cool, I only wore my USSR flag shirt and claimed to be a Communist or the entire Soviet Union personnified) and my Bio teacher gave us candy and let us watch most of a CSI episode which we may or may not (but please let it be may) continue watching tomorrow and we made up and sang songs on economics in Social and spare was fairly unproductive but lazy and happy that way.

I depart to finish my essay then study my fucking ENGLISH Bio notes.

Bye all and happy Hallowe'en!


Anonymous said...

Well mike I'm sorry that you can't have everyhting french but on the positive side now you know things in english and french! So no matter what language you will do well! Cya at model ledge!

A. said...

I'm pretty pissed that there's the option for francophone and apparently IMMERSION students to take their Sciences in high school in French.

Hm. Well, I knew of the existence of Chimie 20-30 and Physique 20-30 as well as Biologie 20-30 but I think I had learned that it was not availible for Immersion due lack of French-teaching teachers and most of the qualified ones going to private schools and lycées in Alberta and Canada.

Ben, comme dirait le Capitaine, tonnerre de Brest...You know I could've salvaged alot of points from writing 4,50 as opposed to 4.50. I still call the boiling point the "point d'ébulition". Anyway, why have us learn it all in French but then have us re-learn it all in English? Is it an incentive to make us forget or become more bilingual. I don't know, Alberta Ed works in strange ways as you can see :P

By "Fails its students" I meant, doesn't adequately prepare them for University. But I doubt people at Alberta Ed expect their graduates to hightail it to some immersion/Francophone university somewhere in Canada; they perhaps hope they go to UofA at la Fac St Jean.

And then again, quality of teaching plays a factor too...but we're essentially learning the same curriculum as everyone else in Alberta.

Then again, I must conclude, this is Alberta.

Bon, j'sais plus moi...Mon français oral pue au max. Pft.

Devon said...

Yeah, I think the justification for refusing to teach sciences in french is ridiculous. There are plenty of teachers who I'm sure would love to teach in Alberta (despite Klein's desperate attempts to destroy our education system).

Also, way to the be USSR for halloween. Oh, halloween, what a wonderful day.

Cohen said...

True enough Kathleen.
What party are you in?