Thursday, October 26, 2006

I love life.

So. School's going pretty well. I had a Bio test that went really well. We had fun British teachers in today asking us about French Immersion, apparently on a fact-finding mission to see how we do it to set up a similar system in England. We had Country Selection and even though the people running it are on crack it's okay because we have the ball rolling for MUN now. And I saw four (count 'em four) SUNIA friends today there. Then I had a fun conversation with Joseph walking around after Country Selection. I was kinda bitchy for a bit just because then I got home and had supper and a great chat with parents about life and how shitty some people are and how awesome others are. Then I went upstairs to work on Bio, a work in progress, and started talking to people on MSN to amuse myself while describing embryonic developmental stages and listening to Mozart on the cd player Kate donated to me. Then, much to my surprise, somebody calls and Dad says it's for me. I go and answer the phone and find out that it's Neil from SUNIA (the most amazing summer camp ever) and he invites me up to Edmonton on Saturday, Dec 16, at 11 in the morning for an interview for a counsellor position.

Only my life's dream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So I had to call people and talk to them about I had a really fantabulous conversation with Caitlin and Devon in Ottawa and I'm going to take a stagger shower for Caitlin to save water (get wet then put shampoo in my hair then turn off the water and lather then turn on the water and rinse, etc).

I love life so much.

To look forward to I have: Model Leg, Germany, SUNIA interview, the wonderfulness of Bio and Social, Model UN, life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness which involves all of the above.

I'm off to bed to try and calm down a bit from the amazingness of Neil calling me and also calling Sean. (OMGOMGOMG!!!!!!!)



Devon said...

Let me remind you again of how RIDICULOUSLY PROUD OF YOU I am. OMG. That is so, so, so, so awesome. PS when you're in Stuttgart, you should stalk Timo Hildebrand and Thomas Hitzlsperger and then kidnap them and bring them back to Canada. I'm so definitely not kidding at all in any way shape or form. PARTICULARLY Timo.

Cohen said...

my stagger shower wasn't that bad actually, i only shivered a little but then turned the water on warmer and all was put right.

Anonymous said...

oh. my. gosh. you had to tell everyone about your shower? i'm thinking i'll go get some therapy


Shenikay said...

yeah, stagger showering definitely sounds COLD. i'm going to continue using the endless supply of hot water that i get in rez. i don't actually care that it's not as good for the environment, that just sounds silly. also, PLEASE bring timo back for me and devon. actually, me. because i love you more. proven by the fact that i came to visit you and introduced you to amazing saskatchewan and brandon ppl.