Saturday, July 22, 2006

The Spanish phrase of the day:

Hay tan de cosas y yo no puedo hacer todo y yo sé que voy a matar alguien.

Rough translation: There are too many things on sale and I can't keep up with them and I can't do everything (check prices, see if suchandsuch is on 30% or 40% off or regular price, not go insane) and I know I'm going to kill someone today just because it's sooo crazy.


Devon said...

That was a rather rough translation. Also, me gusta mucho que tu blog tiene tan espanol. Es buena que practicas tu espanol durante el tiempo que no estas en escuela.

Cohen said...

It was a rough translation. That's what I was implying when I thought of it and couldn't fully express it en espanol pero estuvo bueno quand meme.

Lisel said...

At least you don't have to sell a certain number of pants everyday. People bitch at me just cause the customers don't buy pants. ITS NOT MY FAULT!