Wednesday, July 19, 2006

I don't pay attention to the world for a few weeks and look what happens!

North Korea goes all psycho and tests missiles over Japan and then very little afterwards.
One Israeli soldier is abducted and uncertainty grips Israel.
Two Israeli soldiers are abducted and Israel bombs and invades Lebannon to retrieve them and kill Hezbollah operatives.
Lebannon takes over Iraq's limelight.
A tsunami overtakes Java.
Nigerian oil pipes are attacked by militants.

The world is nuts!


Shenikay said...

lebanon, hun. not lebannon. and yeah, the world is INSANE!!!!!!!!!!!!! *feels despondant over the fact that so many people are dying*. 250 lebanese civilians. bloody hell.

A. said...

Or a more simple way of putting it:

You missed the world taking a leap closer to hell. :O

Mind you also forgot to mention that:
-The UN believes between 6K to 8K Iraqi civilians may have died between May and June
-Poland is now ruled by twins (One is the President the other is the PM)
-And Bush lacks in table manners whilst Blair talks to him about the Middle East crisis in St. Petersbourg. (CNN--quelle shock!--had him mic'ed as Blair talked with him and he was eating---while chewing with his mouth open--- while Blair was trying to communicate to him about the invasion in Labanon)

Oh and he replied back to him with his mouth full.

*scratches head* CNN is being really biased in favour of Israel (shock!). Oh and to them, apparently it's just Americans and Brits stuck in Lebanon.

Shenikay said...

ridiculous...*is angered by the entire lebanon crapness*

Devon said...

I think you've been spammed. And yeah, lots of stuff. And I'm thinking there's a good chance that I should no longer watch CBC news and pretend it's an unbiased perspective. Not that I've done that in years, but my dad was watching the coverage of the evacuation of Canadians, and, well ... it was not unbiased. So I was unimpressed. The End!