Tuesday, October 31, 2006

I'm working on this essay for French...

I first wrote it in-class on Friday, on whether science should stay in French or even offered in French for Immersion students when they graduate from jr high and move into high school and I took the position that where there are possibilities to continue scientific studies in French, there should be the option of pursuing such courses if there is the demand. Let me tell you, I'm working on researching a little the availability of French Science courses from the Education Department site for the Government of Alberta and I'm pretty pissed that there's the option for francophone and apparently IMMERSION students to take their Sciences in high school in French. If I could have, and don't get me wrong, Science 10 and Bio 20 and 30 are and were fun and good in English and whatever, but if I had had the chance to keep studying Science in French, there's no way I would've gone back to English Science. *pouts* I don't want any comments that "Oh, well the Francophones suck" or that the "AB system for French fails its students" or anything like that, I'm just pissed that it's apparently available in this province and I had to relearn many of the basic concepts in English when I knew them perfectly well in French and I know it's probably completely impossible to find qualified French Science teachers in Alberta who aren't in Francophone schools (which are probably private and can pay them better) or in jr highs but still. *bitches*

So that's all for now. I'm pretty happy other than that. People were cool and dressed up today (unlike me, I'm not cool, I only wore my USSR flag shirt and claimed to be a Communist or the entire Soviet Union personnified) and my Bio teacher gave us candy and let us watch most of a CSI episode which we may or may not (but please let it be may) continue watching tomorrow and we made up and sang songs on economics in Social and spare was fairly unproductive but lazy and happy that way.

I depart to finish my essay then study my fucking ENGLISH Bio notes.

Bye all and happy Hallowe'en!

Thursday, October 26, 2006

I love life.

So. School's going pretty well. I had a Bio test that went really well. We had fun British teachers in today asking us about French Immersion, apparently on a fact-finding mission to see how we do it to set up a similar system in England. We had Country Selection and even though the people running it are on crack it's okay because we have the ball rolling for MUN now. And I saw four (count 'em four) SUNIA friends today there. Then I had a fun conversation with Joseph walking around after Country Selection. I was kinda bitchy for a bit just because then I got home and had supper and a great chat with parents about life and how shitty some people are and how awesome others are. Then I went upstairs to work on Bio, a work in progress, and started talking to people on MSN to amuse myself while describing embryonic developmental stages and listening to Mozart on the cd player Kate donated to me. Then, much to my surprise, somebody calls and Dad says it's for me. I go and answer the phone and find out that it's Neil from SUNIA (the most amazing summer camp ever) and he invites me up to Edmonton on Saturday, Dec 16, at 11 in the morning for an interview for a counsellor position.

Only my life's dream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So I had to call people and talk to them about I had a really fantabulous conversation with Caitlin and Devon in Ottawa and I'm going to take a stagger shower for Caitlin to save water (get wet then put shampoo in my hair then turn off the water and lather then turn on the water and rinse, etc).

I love life so much.

To look forward to I have: Model Leg, Germany, SUNIA interview, the wonderfulness of Bio and Social, Model UN, life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness which involves all of the above.

I'm off to bed to try and calm down a bit from the amazingness of Neil calling me and also calling Sean. (OMGOMGOMG!!!!!!!)


Saturday, October 21, 2006


The Outstanding Public Debt as of 22 Oct 2006 at 05:17:01 AM GMT is:

$ 8 , 5 5 2 , 2 9 6 , 9 2 3 , 5 0 7 . 9 0

The estimated population of the United States is 300,037,616
so each citizen's share of this debt is $28,504.08.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Leaving for U of A tomorrow...

and I'm pretty pumped for it. Yay U of A's awesomeness, not only of the fantastic new people and the activities we're gonna do and West Ed and the debating, but also that I'll see some great people from SUNIA which is quite exciting!
I wrote an okay Social essay today, it would've been good had I really thought about examples and such to use and my SEX kinda fell apart and examples ran into each other. However, I did write it on the computer which was both a good thing and a bad thing, the easy removal or repositioning of sentences was nice but sometimes the accents were a bit trying and the typos and whatever.
French wasn't completely terrible, I'm pretty sure Bandol likes me and I don't know how to feel about that.
Bio was pretty good, we continued our study of the human reproductive system, moving on from the basics of men to the basics of women today, or at least what's between their legs.
After school I went to try and find Mme Dunn to talk to her about the animal thing to relax people for U of A but I could not find her. Instead I had a good trilingual conversation with Sra Noble about Spanish and wanting to use different words from each language at different times and vegetarianism and travel and German and the Spanish ladies at Sears and general chatter.
Then home again home again to pack a bit for tomorrow, which I'm going to go finish when I'm done here, and eat supper and kinda lounge around. I will do review and such as soon as packing is done, which shouldn't take a long time at all.
If anybody wants to volunteer info for my Social project, my part being the "defis de Nigeria", it would be greatly appreciated.

So good-night to you all for now and I'll write all about U of A and the Edmonton experience when I get back.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Bio and French are hateful. Social and Spare...are not.

So I don't like that I've done less than happily on several tests and quizzes in Bio so far. As well, French is pretty useless however we've got to a part of La Neige en Deuil where there are fun descriptions of things.
Unlike French and Bio, Candace's birthday party last weekend was quite wonderful and the Olive Garden makes good pasta. Candace's little sister, who's name I can't remember (sorry Candace!), is very fun to make faces at and play rock-paper-scissors with and such.
I shall update later as MP is kicking me off his comp.

Bye for now!