Thursday, December 22, 2005

So, I was just working on filling in my profile for this contraption when I thought of my favourite movies, Rent...then Patch Adams. Oh Patch Adams, what an inexplicably mindblowingly good movie. Now it's kinda blending with Simon Birch, a movie I'm fairly certain I saw around the same time. Summer 1998, I remember because I talked to one of my supervisors about Patch Adams and I loved Simon Birch for a good while. Like I was in veritable love with Gargoyles and that movie with the kid in the flood that becomes a bird in his favourite cartoon. I remember watching a Gargoyles movie from Blockbuster when I was miserable like this, difference being I was about 6, we had come back from the farmer's market out by cochrane when it was still grassland and a single highway. Oh, the flash back effect. :)

Also, I'd like to thank Kelci for giving me the Art of War by Master Sun-Tzu for Christmas when I slipped out after my Bio test to give her my calculator which she told me she used to the fullest and most gratefully during her second last math test I understand (including the final).
As well, double spare today led to us going down to TD Centre for all but 15 or so minutes of the one hundred and seventy-five minutes we were free for. Our travels twisted from Play to the Devonian gardens.

Their website says "Devonian Gardens is one of the world's largest indoor parks, housing 20,000 plants from more than 135 varieties of flora.Right in the heart of downtown Calgary you can follow meandering flower-banked pathways to the Quiet Garden – a secluded woodland setting nestled in the Gardens' north west corner; stroll along tree-decked plazas, past waterfalls and fountains into the Sun Garden; feed the fish and turtles; enjoy the artwork and sculpture displays or let the kids burn off energy in the playground. And best of all, it's free!"

Well, I can tell you we certainly burnt off some energy on that playground, climbing and socializing, mostly me, with those less than a third of my size, a quarter even. One little boy, who impersonated Batman and Spiderman at different points and apologised after I told him it wasn't very nice for him to have hit me, was quite intent that I play with him and climb like a lemur (which, last time I checked, I wasn't) (hyperbole y'all, the people that were on the train with us know what that's about, hyperboles and their intricability with exagerations and the uselessness for having two words for the same idea) and not go to school when I told him I had to. He even wanted to come with me, but I told him I didn't really think I could and as I made a break for it towards the stairs where my friends waited, rather impatiently I'd imagine, he and his twin brother ran after me yelling "Don't go Mike, don't go!! Stay Mike, stay!!!" (I gave my name to the first rambuncious young'un, he wasn't a crazy telepathy "There is no spoon"-child like I saw in The Matrix coming home from last year's UBC and confused the hell out of me.)

But I don't ramble...excessively...
I have a pillow that's beckoning passionately for my head to lay against it and tempts my eyes to close and enjoy the warm embrace of sleep. Ah...
G'night whoever might read this.


Saturday, December 17, 2005

My new blog that'll actually work.
So, yeah. I'll probably not use this much but I might and yeah, my other blog is It's really thrilling.
Oh, I'm officially Teale's Assistant Director of Signs for his campaign. It's not bad to put on a résumé.
It's also colder than I expected out, it's -14 out or so. How will I survive actually cold temperatures?